What's In My Bag?


If you are as nosey as me, I know you appreciate this post. It's pretty self explanatory, so let's cut to the chase:

Let me start off by saying that this is the most organized and clean the inside of my bag has been ever in my life. With everything going on in my life at the moment, I would literally lose my mind if my bag was a hot mess. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Side note: My phone will not be a part of this list because it lives in my hands.

Here we go, folks: Hey Des! What’s in your bag?

  1. Stylish backpack from Forever 21: I severely sprained my ankle last week and although I discovered a new talent of holding my phone while hobbling on crutches, there was no way I was going to allow myself to carry my shoulder bag. This bag is what I am currently rockin’ and it has been a lifesaver. Note: My phone will not be a part of this list because it lives in my hands. (I would like to point out that what I carry in the winter is different than what I carry for the summer days, which I will address then.)

  1. Day Planner/Pen: If I don’t write down what is going on in my life, I feel like I don’t have my shiz together...and if I feel like I don’t have my shiz together then I freak out. I don’t like freaking out. This planner is my best friend. I opt for the DIY route. I wanted to be able to customize, since I’m stuck with it for a year. I bought myself one of those cute mini binders from Target, printed out free calendar printables I found on Pinterest, and I added more non-traditional planner pages to fit my lifestyle (like social media planning pages for example).

  1. Water bottle purchased from Walmart: because quenched.

  1. Wallet: Pretty self explanatory. The most important thing in the bag too, obvz. One time, I went to go out to eat with my manager with just my debit card and my id, right? I ended up leaving my freaking debit card at a restaurant for like 2 days! Please don’t me ask why or how, I’m still trying to figure that out as i type this). I’m never taking my cards out of my wallet ever again.

  1. Small pouch full of stuff to satisfy my hoardingness:

Advil: for LA traffic migraines or when the queen of red nectar returns to her monthly dictatorship.


Tic Tacs: for when my bref stank or when someone else’s bref stank and you gotta slip them that “do you want 2 tic tacs?” as you pop some in your mouth so they don’t realize you're low key saying their bref stank.

Hair pick: for when my curls are out and I need my hair to be as big as possible.

Makeup: which I literally just carry a random beauty supply store lip gloss, Carmex, and NYX lip liner. I don't have time to bring a whole makeup kit when I spend 5 hours doing it at home anyways.

Iphone Charger: Actually, this is the most important thing in my bag. I’m always on my phone and I need my phone...NEED I SAY!

Earphones: because leave me alone.

Floss: because I have OCD and if I can’t get a black spec out of my teeth it makes me want to rip my whole jaw out.

Rose scented lotion from Nature Republic: because anything rose scented makes me smile.

A selection of perfumes: because I can never decide on how I want to smell so I figured I’d smell like them all at the same time.

Tea Tree/Lavender Essential Oil: It does wonders for when I have motion sickness because if I don't fix it then I'll puke my guts out.

Sunglasses: so that the sun doesn't murder my eyes.

Glasses: for when my contact lenses decide to be assholes.

Contact Case/Solution: I hate sleeping in my contacts with the burning passion. My friends love to invite me to hang out which results in us going out and me passing out at their place...with my contacts in. So never again.


Pads/Tampons: because, hey, emergencies happen to not only for me but to my fellow queens. I gotchu!

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