Beautiful Sunday - Beware of Dog - Coastal Dalian China

Another hike up another hill, this one is a bit touristy but I found the path less taken.

A nice uphill stroll to one of the many peaks this city is peppered with. This one is right on the coast with an amazing view towards Korea which is just a few hours ferry ride away.

We got to walk up a nice wide popular paved road. It took about 45 mins to get to the top and it wasn't very busy. I can imagine on a nice summer day during a holiday this is probably a very crowded place. Today it was chilly and the foliage isn't the greatest with all the leaves haven fallen already.

When adventuring I try my best to not cover the same ground twice. Once at the to of the hill you could go down the other side which would take us to a far away land far from the parked car on this side. Going back down the way we came at first seemed the only option.

We found a small worn out road that had a firm warning that you must love dogs and not fear them should you chose to continue down this trek. We were the only ones to take it. I figured it was cold and who ever's dogs that should be down there probably were gone. It was just a guess on top of the fact I doubt there would be free roaming killer dogs at a tourist attraction. It just didn't make sense. Plus I like dogs, might make a new friend.

Then there was this shoe which at first glance looks like a dog had its day with it. Torn up and ratty looking leaving an ominous impression for those that made it the first 300 meters. Turn back now it screamed.

As the road winded around, following the edge of the hill it became obvious it wasn't going to take us back to where we started. It was going to take us around the hill to the other side to the land of the lost. Should we back track, go back the way we came? Heck NO! Remember I fell for her because she has no problem walking of the beaten path. So she led me down the slope. Never saw dog.

It's really more of a place rain washes down than a path people have forged. Dense trees, lots of frozen dirt I'm sure in the summer this place is dusty or muddy, not much in between.

One of the benefits the bare trees is better views for greater distances. It was beautiful day.

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