🍌 Important New Banana Collection Program 🍌

The rambling, fast-talking Roxana is a fledgling nutritionist who doesn't always quite know what she's talking about, but she's earnest and she tries really hard. We all know this banana nutrition stuff anyway, so let's just go along with her...

Hi all! I'm Roxana Bananamon, and it's true that I'm the Banana Nutritionist on this here blog. I'm also the mom of two young'uns, Tay'Tran and Havana, who just started back to school last week.


Hi everyone.

I make sure that I stay involved in their school stuff, you know what I mean? I mean, makin' sure that they get their homework done and also have fun outside of school, and I especially am interested in their nutrition. I'm interested in everybody's nutrition, of course... I gotta be, if I'm a nutritionist. And let me tell you, there's a LOT of good nutrition in bananas.

But I don't have time to go into that now. I've got somethin' else I wanna discuss today.

I am now the Vice President of my local chapter of OBCC. That's the Overripe Banana Collection Coalition. We do really good work about educatin' the public about what to do with so-called "overripe" bananas, and how to keep that situation from developin' in the first place.

One of the best school programs out there is the OBCC's monthly collection drive of overripe bananas, which are used to make banana bread for the school kids. As Vice President of OBCC -- and as the Banana Nutritionist for this blog -- and, actually, also as the mom of the kiddos -- I decided to ramp up our collection of overripe bananas and started a weekly collection drive in my area.

So now, instead of gathering that yummy sweetness once a month, we're doin' it in my area every week! Isn't that one of the best ideas to drop off the banana tree in ages? (If I do say so myself.)

There are so many good things that'll come out of this initiative: more banana bread snacks for the school kids


... AND less of those squishy bananas in the trash. AND more sales of bananas at the market. AND probably some other good ramifications of the OBCC that I can't think of right now, but it all involves all the good nutrition in bananas. Which is, actually, what I'm doin' here on this blog -- talkin' about all the good nutritional aspects of bananas.

Once again, we come full circle. full circle 120-121.jpg

And hey, before you leave, you might want to check out Tay'Tran's post on what HODL means. I'm a proud momma-nana.


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