Ayurveda Treatment Decoded.

Hello everyone In this post i wiil tell you about the Ayurveda treatment and how it is done .

Ayurveda is basically an ancient science of treatment and is very effective . Ayurveda is mainly derived from the Sanskrit language two words Ayur which means life and veda means treatment knowledge .Virechana-in-Ayurveda-panchakarma-Treatment.jpg

In Ayurveda treatment is basically done by knowing the body type .
Basically according to the ancient science our body is made up of , VATTA means air , PITTA means fire & KAPHA means water.
VATTA :- It controls the movement of body , nervous system and elimination process.

PITTA:-It controls the working of organs such a live ,digestive system, heart etc

KAPHA: It controls the body cells ,muscle, fat, bone, and sinew etc

Treatment of auryeda are.

This process is used to detoxify the body by various treatment such as massages , vomiting , steem treatment , katak sanan , mud bath ,vamana, the use of laxatives or virechana and nasal treatment. In this processes herbs like neem , ginger ashawgandha ,alovera oil are used in treatment.

This treatment is mainly given to tje patient which is suffering from depression and cannot sleep properly. thus in this the dhara of oil which means the dripping of oil on the forehead center. generally coconut oil , milk, sunflower oil, etc are used .

Pothli massage:-ayurvedic-massage.jpg
In this process specific herbs are generally taken into a cotton cloth and is dipped into a warm oil and then massage of specific point are done .


It is basically full body massage with different types of oil such as sesame oil for the pt suffering from obesity . mustard oil , etc are used to treat for different body types and for different treatments .

Diet chart for VATTA, PITTA , KHAPAAyurvedic-Food-Chart.png


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