The Healing Benefits Of Ayahuasca - It Healed My Friend's Lifelong Back Injury!

A number of years ago I was told a fascinating story of how Ayahuasca had completely cured a friend's back injury. I was sitting in an apartment a few days after my first Ayahuasca experience in Australia. I was mentally very energized and extremely interested to discuss my experiences with others.

Fortunately at this impromptu party everyone had tried Ayahuasca! 😉

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The Healing Benefits Of Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca has incredible healing powers that are starting to be well documented. The main active ingredient in the Ayahuasca brew is (Dimethyltryptamine)[,N-Dimethyltryptamine] otherwise known as DMT.

This is a naturally occurring chemical in our brains and as such I believe represents no potential for physical or mental harm if done in a conscious manner. In my experiences Ayahuasca has an incredible capacity to heal the body, mind and sprit however I had no idea how capable it really was...

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Physical Healing With Ayahuasca

Often when Ayahuasca is ingested the body purges toxins from it and this is often seen and felt as physical healing. However the story I was to hear in Australia blew my mind.

In my discussions with a friend he related to me a story from his youth when he had been involved in a motorcycle accident. He had injured his back next to his spine and his body had created a knot of scar tissue around the injury. Unfortunately this scar tissue was inside his skin and pressing against his spinal column bringing decades of back pain and suffering.

Fortunately he found Ayahuasca in his life and began drinkig it regularly. Around his 20th ceremony he felt comfortable and relaxed while tripping on the Aya. He was sitting and meditating and told me he could feel the light of the Ayahuasca moving around his body looking to heal it. He said he could visualize the light moving around inside of him.

Suddenly the Ayahuasca light raced up and down his spine then locked onto the knot of scar tissue next to his spine. My friend felt it working and suddenly the knot of scar tissue popped from inside his skin to the outside of his skin and his back pain was gone forever. He felt no pain during this process at all and it was almost instantaneous.

I was goggling in marvel at this story when he turned around and pulled his shirt up.

"There it is! You can feel it!" he said excitedly.

And he was right. A knot of scar tissue right next to his spine was on the outside of his skin. The knot was about the size of a pencil eraser and unlike any scar tissue I have seen before or since.

When he was relaing me this story his honesty was palpable and his gratitude for the end of his life long pain genuine. I had no reason to doubt his story or the scar tissue I saw!

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Ayahuasca is an incredible plant medicine that deserves more research and accessibility to the general public. I have seen it do amazing things for people physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. If possible I advise all people to try it once as it has the amazing benefit of assisting us with our fear of death.

However like ingesting any plants I advise doing as much research before taking Ayahuasca as possible. It is also important to not that Ayahuasca may not be legal in all territories and it is not worth risking your liberty for.

Undertaking a ceremony with a good shaman is important but good shaman's are not always easy to find. Should you wish to significantly benefit from the healing properties of Ayahuasca I suggest a retreat in South America where there are shamanic lineages and understanding laws! 😉

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4.

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