[라봉] 슈슈와 라봉의 호주 뿌시기 3탄 | Travel dairy in Australia 🇦🇺

🍊안녕하세요 여러분🍊
Hello everyone

오랜만에 글을 올리게된 라봉이예요~
오늘은 제가 호주여행기 3편을 적어보려고 합니다!
I'm Labong who will write in a long time~
Today, I am going to write the third part of the Australia tour!

슈슈가 올린 글에서 말씀드렸듯이 저는 호주에서 슈슈와 다른 홈스테이에 머물게 되었어요ㅠㅠ
As Chouchou said in her post, I stayed at a different homestay than Chouchouㅠㅜ

슈슈와 작별인사를 한뒤 저는 Sharon이라는분과 함께 호주의 Black town이라는 지역에서 지내게되었었답니다
After saying good-bye to Chouchou, I was staying with Sharon(homestay mother) in an area called Black Town in Australia.

제 홈스테이 집에는 수영장이 있더라구요!!!
My homestay had a swimming pool!!!

우리나라와는 다르게 집에 수영장이나 마당과 차고가 있는 경우가 대부분이여서 신기했어요!
Unlike my country,most of the houses had swimming pools, yard, and garage. So I was very curious!

그리고 호주 학교에 다닐때 한국에서부터 심한 감기에 걸린채로 호주에 왔던터라 통학이 힘들어서 호텔이 그립기도하고 수요일 관광이 너무 기다려지더라구요😂😂
And I came to Australia with a bad cold from Korea, so it was hard for me to go back and forth to school. So I missed when I was at the hotel and I missed sightseeing on Wednesday.

➿2018 02 18➿

이날은 홈스테이하는 식구들 다같이 호주의 클럽에 갔어요! Sharon이 갑자기 옷을 차려입고 클럽에 가자고 하셔서 깜짝놀랐는데,
On this day, all of my homestay family went to a club in Australia! I was surprised that Sharon suddenly asked me to dress up and go to the club together.
알고보니 이런 뷔페 형식의 식당과,

밴드공연과 함께 춤을 출수도있는 곳이였어요!
But I got to know that the club was a place where there was a buffet and a dance space with a band.

홈스테이 친구들, Sharon과 같이 찍은 클럽에서의 사진이예요! 다들 잘 차려입고 갔죠??
This picture is taken at a club with my homestay friends, Sharon!

스포츠클럽이라고 써있는걸 본것같은데, 한국 뷔페랑 다를게 없었지만 처음보는 디저트가 많아서 여러가지를 먹어보느라 배가 터질뻔했어요ㅋㅋㅋ
I think I saw the sign that says "Sports Club".
It was similar to a Korean buffet, but I was very full because I had so many desserts I had never seen before.

➿2018 02 21➿

제가 기다리고 기다리던,
드디어 돌아온 수요일 관광!!
We went sight seeing on Wednesday again!!

첫번째로는 저희가갔던 맨리비치만큼 유명한 본다이비치에 갔어요:-)
First, we went to Bondi Beach, which is as famous as Manly Beach.
비가 조금 와서 날이 흐렸지만 친구들과 함께해서 그런지 재밌는 사진도 많이 남겨서 정말 좋았어요😆😆
It was cloudy with a little rain, but it was really nice because I left a lot of interesting pictures with my friends.😆😆

두번째로는 달링하버라는 시드니 항구에 갔는데 신기하게도 물속에 해파리가 떠다니는게 보이더라구요!!!
Second, I went to the Sydney Darling Harbour. It was an amazing place to see jellyfish floating in the water!!!!!
물속의 하얀 점들이 해파리예요! 실제로보면 더 귀엽답니다ㅜㅜ
The white spots in the water are jellyfish! It's even cuter in real lifeㅜㅜ

달링하버에는 Wild life라는 동물원이 있어서 이곳에 가게 되었어요!
Darling Harbor has a zoo called Wild Life, so we went to there.

티켓은 어른 75$ 청소년 45$ 정도 였던것같아요~
I think the ticket was about 75 dollars for adults and 45 dollars for teens~

영어로되어있어서 설명을 다 이해할수는 없었지만, 볼거리도 다양하고 동물도 많아서 즐거웠어요😁
I couldn't understand all of the explanations about animals because they were in English, but I was happy because there were many things to see and animals.😁


호주하면 떠오르는 귀여운 코알라와 요염한 캥거루예요ㅎㅎ🐨
These are cute koalas and sexy kangaroos that many people think of when they think of Australia.Haha🐨

아무래도 관광명소이다보니 기념품점도 잘되어있더라구요!사진남기기도 좋고 아기자기했어요
Because it is a tourist attraction, the souvenir shop was great! And this place was nice to take pictures and there were many cute souvenirs.

동물원을 좋아하는 저에게는
이날이 제일 기억에 남았던 날이였던 것 같아요😍
I love zoo,
So I think this day was the most memorable day for me😍

여러분도 만약 호주에 여행을 가신다면 본다이 비치나 달링하버에 가보시는걸 어떨까요?
If you are going on a trip to Australia, why not visit Bondi Beach or Darling Harbor?

➿2018 02 23➿

이날은 Sharon(홈스테이 엄마)께서 호주의 시장인 "패디스마켓" 이라는 곳에 저희를 모두 데려가주셨어요~
On this day, Sharon (homestay mother) took us to a place called "Paddy's Market"

여러가지를 팔고있었는데, 대부분 복숭아,토마토,배 등 여러가지 먹거리 등을 팔더라구요.
They sold many kinds of things, mostly fruits, vegetables and other foods.

가격도 대체로 싸서 부담없이 살수있었어요~
호주가면 꼭 사와야한다는 포포크림도 이곳이 제일 싸더라구요! 마트같은곳에서는 약 5$ 정도였는데 이곳은 3$정도에 구입할 수 있었어요!
The price was usually cheap so I could buy it without any burden.
It was also the cheapest place to buy some pawpaw cream, which is most famous in Australia. It was about 5$ at a mart, but I could buy it for about 3$!

라봉이는 어디있을까요???ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Guess where Labong is! Hahaha😆

저희는 돌아다니다 힘들어서 앉아서 쉬다가 마침 푸드트럭에 감자튀김을 팔고있어서 구입해서 먹었어요!!
We had a hard time with looking around, so we sat there, and we found a food truck that was selling French fries and bought it.
🍟🍟치킨솔트를 뿌려서 더 맛있었어요🍟🍟🍟👍
🍟It was more delicious because they sprinkled chicken salt on it.🍟🍟🍟👍

그밖에도 옷이나, 화장품,악세사리 등을 팔고있었어요!
In addition, they sell clothes, cosmetics, and accessories!

그런데 이날은 사진을 많이 못찍어서 보여드리지못한다는게 아쉽네요ㅠㅠㅠ
By the way, I regret that I can not show you the picture on this day because we have not taken many pictures.

➿2018 02 24➿

바로 다음날 저희는 각자 홈스테이에서 나와서 Sydney 대학과 Macquarie대학을 견학하러 갔어요!
The next day, we each got out of our homestay and went to see Sydney University and Macquarie University!

Macquarie대학은 호주 내에서 최신식 사립병원을 자체 보유한 유일한 대학으로 의과대학 커리큘럼 또한 호주 최고 수준이라고해요!
Macquarie University is the only university in Australia that has its own modern private hospital, and the medical school curriculum is also Australia's best!

이곳이 바로 시드니대학이예요!
This is Sydney University!

실제로 재학중이신 분과 함께 움직이면서 설명을 듣고 사진을 찍었는데, 대학교가 너무 그림같고 예뻐서 어디를 찍어도 예뻤었던것 같아요~
We were moving around with the person who was actually in school, listening to the explanations, and seeing the university.
The university was beautiful everywhere~
2018-07-20 09.07.27 1.jpg
이곳에서도 저희의 트레이드마크 포즈인 하트샷을 찍어봤어요 점프하는게 힘들긴하지만, 특별하고 예쁜 포즈이니까 여러분들도 찍어보시는걸 추천할게요!!💗
We tried our typical pose here! Jumping is hard, but it's a special and easy gesture to take, I recommend you take a picture like this, too!

마지막으로 다음편은 슈슈의 캠프이야기가 시작되니까 많이많이 와주세요!
Finally, on the next post, Chouchou starts talking about our camp. Please come and see!

오늘도 긴글 읽어주셔서 감사해요!♥️
Thank you for reading my long story.♥️

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