Im back!!! Therapy Tuesday turned into an appointment roller coaster!!

Hi my lovely steemian friends. I am sorry I have been absent for a while, but I have said it before, my children have to come first and they have needed my undivided attention over the past week and a bit and may need lot more of me in the coming months.


It had been a rough couple of weeks here, as I mentioned in a previous post my little bus decided to play up and we were without her for a long time, luckily we now have her back along with a $3500.00 bill, but I’m forever great full that she is back with us, as we have had a lot of running around to get done.

I also mentioned in a previous post that Master 5 had suffered some serious muscle regression. This has been my main focus this past week as it seems to be getting worse still. After a visit to the GP on Friday I was even more concerned as she insisted we see our paediatrician immediately, I explained the long wait time and she made a call and had us booked in for an appointment yesterday instead of 2 months time.

So off we went to see the paed. He was also concerned, after a long examination he explained that Master 5 has something going on but he does not know what, he wanted to send him for an MRI however due to his age and his inability to be still this would mean he would have to go under a general anaesthetic for the scan to be carried out properly.

I was not a fan of the idea and neither was he so he instead opted for a CT scan instead, if we could get him to hold still this should at least give us some indication as to what is going on and what we should do next.


So after therapy this morning and several other appointments we headed in to the imaging place to have his CT scan done. As he had no idea what was going on I was a little concerned that he would flip out once we went in but he was brilliant.


The technician showed him around and let him press some buttons and spent a long time explaining what was going to happen, unfortunately Master 5 didn’t understand half of what she was saying but he smiled and played and I’m pretty sure he thought the whole thing was just a big game.


We did a few test runs to make sure his head was in the correct position as they didn’t want to have to re do the scan more than once. When everything seemed perfect I had to leave the room with the technician, Master 5 did not particularly like that idea so the tech told him if he stayed super still and held on for just a minute without mummy he would win some stickers.

That did the trick and he lay their quietly holding a foam head support waiting for me to come back. Luckily he didn’t move and the first scan was enough. The second the door opened he was pulling at the head restraint and it was clear he had had enough and was ready to go.


I was so proud of my little man, I can imagine how frustrated and scared he must have been even though it was just a minute, but he was super brave and has the stickers to prove it. After the scan we had to wait around for the disc and unfortunately it will be a few days before I hear back from our paediatrician with the results.


I have a feeling the next few days are going to be a tad stressful, waiting to hear what is going on and then what the plan of action is going to be. The possibility that more test will be required is rather high and that worries me. The disruption to his schedule the last week with all the extra appointments has already affected the little man I can only imagine more appointments and test will only increase his anxiety although they are needed.

With everything that has been happening and my partner away for work it has been a struggle to keep on top of everyone’s needs. Master 10 has been having a very difficult time while his dad is away and seems to take it the hardest. He also had a paediatrician appointment today and has been prescribed some medication to help his anxiety.


This is a road we originally decided we would avoid unfortunately his health as come to a point where therapy is just not enough so we are going to trial this medication for a month and see how he goes. Anything that can help at this point would be amazing.

His grades have been slipping and his mood has been so erratic that I can no longer manage him on my own, unfortunately their is no one else here so this is a last resort option. His paediatrician is very hopeful and said that he has several children using this medication with great success, so let’s hope we have a similar result.

As for home therapy we haven’t had any time over the last week, it has been chaotic to say the least. I am hoping to get back in to some sort of routine and get our schedule back in order once we hear back about Master 5s results. In the meantime I am just making it up as we go along, some days Master 5 is just to exhausted to even make it to school so until he improves everything else is on hold.

Thanks for reading and if anyone else has experience with anxiety medication for their children I would love to hear from you about your experience. I’m in the process of doing a lot of personal research before we actually start his medication.


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