The Full Moon in Sagittarius - Positive, free and fun...


Hi everyone. I've been truly knocked out over the past week or so getting up at 04.30am in the morning to work down at Heathrow Airport and by the time I've finished, I am just too tired to do much else - no getting any younger you know. Anyway, had a day's rest yesterday and bright enough this morning to look at a little Astrology.

Good news on first inspection - we have a positive week on the horizon. Tomorrow we have the Full Moon in Sagittarius at 8 degrees of the sign of wisdom and the higher mind, and the revelation of this cycle will come through us starting to expand our reach. At last we can look forward with a modicum of optimism, and the faith that you put in yourself and in others in the past few weeks should be starting to bear fruit.

This is going to be a Full Moon of wisdom and of greater knowledge, and now that we understand the conditions that move us forward, we can also make some decent progress. The Full Moon only makes a weak sextile to Mars, which is also trine to the Sun, so there is a sense of pushing forward now and taking any opportunity with relish. There will be a positive and pro-active vibe around us encouraging us to act and not sit back on our laurels. We may be a little blunt and very honest in what we say, no beating around the bush or playing games, but we will go into the next week with a generosity of spirit and on the look out for for any opportunity to have some fun, socialise and have a good time.

Yes, my Astrological friends, this is going to be a fun time ahead, bolstered by the most magnificent Grand Water Trine building as the week goes on. We have Venus in Cancer trine to Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This is a fabulous grand aspect looking after us all week. It's lucky, idealist, kind, sympathetic, creative, inspirational, being linked to family, faith, spirituality and optimism.

We still have the pesky Uranus/Mars square to watch out for (accidents still could happen), and the Venus opposition to Saturn, which may have upset relationships in mid week (Trump/Kim), is now on the wane, so this week seems to be all systems go. Make the most of the kind Astrological weather. We don't get it very often, so make hay while the Sun shines...

This post was also posted on my personal Facebook page - Astrology by Paul Saunders

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