Saturn reaches the star of obsession - Facies in Sagittarius...


Astrology as you may know it is 12 zodiac signs and a daily or weekly prediction that normally doesn't come true. For those of us who really study the subject, Astrology is much much more. Each sign has its own characteristics, the same with every planet too, and the way they interact can truly affect our lives.

Now the planets connecting with each other have been proven by Astrologers over millennia to affect us, but what about the stars? They are an integral part of the universe that surrounds us too. This is an area of Astrology that I tend to specialise in, and many of the major stars bring a level of understanding that you could never get from the planets. Saturn in the next 3 months is making contact with one such star in the constellation of Sagittarius, the one in the archer's face called Facies.

Facies is actually a nebula, a star factory in a point of the sky representing the penetrating stare of the archer. Going back through ancient astrological texts, nebulae were often associated with eye problems and blindness, however this nebula has no such problem in obtaining a sharp focus. In days of yore, this faint star cluster was used as a sight test for prospective archers, and only those who could pick it out in the night’s sky were deemed worthy enough to become the most feared of all the foes faced in medieval combat. Wielding a longbow or crossbow, the archer could pick out a target with unerring accuracy from long range. No wonder the stare of the archer was so feared and this nebula lives up to the reputation.

There is a ruthless effect that this star transmits when it connects with the planets, almost to the point of obsession. The message coming out will be, "I will get my way, whatever the cost" and Facies is often linked to single minded, hardline, no regrets action to achieve the stated aim. Nothing is off limits when Facies is involved.

So Facies does have a fearsome and ruthless reputation when combined with planets, however there is a another side to this star too. Facies also shows determination and an adventurous spirit, a enthusiasm to tackle the hardest of challenges (Sagittarius as a constellation and a sign thrives when it has a goal to achieve) however this is often done with blatant disregard for the feelings and opinions of others, and often one only realises the consequences of one’s actions when one either gets hurt, or has to face the retaliation of those who you have inconvenienced or suppressed.

Now Saturn currently at 7.34 degrees Capricorn is going to be stationed conjunct within 1 degree to Facies at 8.34 degrees Capricorn for a very long time throughout the spring because it will station retrograde on it. This means Saturn in relation to us on Earth slows to a stop, and then turns moving in reverse. The point when Saturn is stationary will see Saturn at its most powerful, so this is a very important connection to consider affecting us all in the next three months.

So how is this going to affect us all? I think to illustrate the viciousness of this star we should go back to the last couple of times that major planets made connections to it. The last link of an outer planet to Facies came in late 2012. At that time, Pluto the planet of brutality, change and death was at 8 degrees Capricorn, and in Connecticut on 14th December, the Sandy Hook shooting shocked the world. Pluto was at 8.43 Capricorn very close to an exact connection to this star. The previous time a major planet hit Facies was between 14-31st January 1989, when Saturn started to connect with Facies. Chillingly, on 17th January 1989, a very similar event happened to Sandy Hook as the Cleveland School massacre in Stockton, California occurred. In this attack, Patrick Purdy shot dead 5 children in the school yard, injured another 32 before turning the gun on himself. The previous time before that was in December 1959 with Saturn back at 8 degrees Capricorn, and at that time the then CIA director Allen Dulles received a top secret memo stating that "thorough consideration be given the elimination of Fidel Castro". Several failed assassination attempts by the CIA to assassinate Castro followed.

I think that these events give an idea of the brutal nature of this star, however there is an adventurous and pioneering side too. On 15th Dec 1959 Major Joseph Rodgers became the human to travel the fastest speed ever reaching speed record at 1,525.96 mph (2,455.79 km/h), in an F-106 Delta Dart jet fighter. In 1989 in January, Solidarity was launched and legalised in Poland, a movement that would spearhead a wave of revolutions in Eastern Europe over the next 2 years.

Saturn returns to this vital degree point again for the next 3 months. so what can we expect? Well Saturn is the planet of administration, order, tradition, limitation, protecting the status quo and what we know and loss and I think that Saturn on this star will see those in charge, the people with responsibility acting in a way to 1) protect their own interests and 2) assert their authority in a totally ruthless manner. If this means eliminating all obstacles and people in their path then so be it. Already we see Donald Trump ratcheting up a trade war, and the EU putting their heels in as the UK tries to push for a favourable Brexit deal. Opposition is mounting by the young people in the US to the use of automatic weapons after yet another tragic school shooting, slightly earlier than normal in regard to Facies this time as Saturn was at 6.10 degrees Capricorn, more than 2 degrees from a direct conjunction with this brutal star, although Saturn was still in the region of the face of the archer.

I also think that actions taken now by those in charge may see them making decisions without seeing clearly, without realising the consequences of their actions, bringing a resonance to the idea of blindness associated with this part of the sky. I would urge you too not to act too selfishly in a way that will put your needs ahead of other people, otherwise you may get an equally brutal response in return from those who feel that they are being hard done by. The danger is that you will create enemies in the next few weeks who may wish to hurt your prospects.

Where in your life might this happen and where should you be careful? Well look for the Capricorn region of your chart and at 8 degrees of this sign there will be a blind spot that you will have to be respectful of. If you know where your Ascendant is, then this conjunction will potentially affect you in the following areas of life...

Aries Ascendant - At work and career, senior people, father
Taurus Ascendant - Higher learning, religion, law, diversity
Gemini Ascendant - Shared finances, sex and intimacy, secrets
Cancer Ascendant - Permanent relationships, marriage
Leo Ascendant - Service, work colleagues, health
Virgo Ascendant - Love, lovers, children, hobbies, pastimes, taking a risk
Libra Ascendant - At home, family, women and mother
Scorpio Ascendant - Communication, what you say and write, local community
Sagittarius Ascendant - Money, finances, business, values
Capricorn Ascendant - Your self image, how you treat others
Aquarius Ascendant - Those who would undermine you, work behind the scenes, making sacrifices
Pisces Ascendant - Friends, groups, political views

Finally please remember that I write a daily Astrology column on Steem that is not specific to any Astrology sign, letting you know what to expect from the day ahead...

Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope that Astrology will help you live a more fulfilling life...

The picture of the archer is a stock photo that I have had stored on my PC for a few years - source unknown

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