Italy - In a state of constant limbo.


The Full Moon tomorrow may be a positive one, but in Italy, they seem as if they are politically in a right old pickle. Elections held recently came up with no overall result, and the leading parties, the Five Star and the Northern League tried to cobble together a coalition, only for the President of the country Sergio Mattarella to overrule the appointment of the prospective finance minister, because he was too Eurosceptic. The coalition collapsed because of this, and now the Italians are back to square one.

Now Luigi Di Maio, the leader of Five Star and the biggest party after the election, is calling for the President to be impeached. In the meantime, the President is trying to impose a temporary government to oversee things, before new elections are called. Things are in a mess, and Italy is lurching from one crisis to the next. Even for Italy, a country that has a rocky record when it comes to electing stable governments, this is the biggest crisis since the second world war.


Now when dealing with such an ancient country as Italy it is difficult, as Italy has had several reincarnations. I use two charts for Italy, the Republican chart of 1946 after the second world war, and the unification of Italy chart in 1871 and the older one of the two is responding to the current crisis.

The chart of 1871 has a pronounced grand cardinal square on it, with the Sun and Jupiter in Cancer the 9th house opposing the Moon and Saturn in the 3rd house in Capricorn all squared by Mars in Libra and Chiron in Aries in opposition. All of the planets are within the 6 - 11 degree zone of these cardinal signs, so whenever a troublesome planet enters this degree range, Italy will be plunged into a difficult situation. Instability in government is second nature to the Italians though with Uranus sitting in the 10th house of Government. There's a rebellious quality that comes through, and no Government will ever get established, as there is always the chance of the unexpected happening.

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A few years ago between 2011 and 2013, Pluto was at 6 - 11 degrees Capricorn, and Italy was in huge financial peril. Now Saturn is hitting these degrees, and an administrative and governmental crisis is here. It's Saturn return time for Italy, and this is a time when chickens will come home to roost. Saturn rules the nations state (4th house - Capricorn on cusp) and the conjunction to the Moon rules the Administration of the country (10th house - Cancer on cusp), so you can see the root causes of what is going on. There is going to be pain (Saturn square Chiron) and an element of going it alone (Saturn square Mars).

Added to all this, Neptune is trine to the MC and inconjunct to the Ascendant, bringing confusion and uncertainty to bare. Pluto is also making a trine to the Italian natal Pluto, therefore a large scale transformation of power and control is happening during 2018 to the country, and it's values (Pluto in 8th ruling 2nd house - Scorpio on cusp). There's a power shift going on, and the more they delay it, the larger it will turn out to be.

This post was also put onto my personal Astrology page - Astrology by Paul Saunders

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