Astrology of the Day – Mercury conjunct Scheat - Monday 5th March 2018


The Moon is in Libra at the start of today, and carried over from yesterday we will look for a peaceful and serene beginning to this new working week. We will be rather idealistic this morning, and we will do whatever we can to engender a harmonious atmosphere around us. If that means making sacrifices for others, or having to ignore and put up with the worst in other's behaviour to keep a settled atmosphere, then so be it.

The Moon makes a positive sextile aspect to Mars to start the day, and this will see us feeling emotionally alive and ready to take on the world. There is a slightly impatient feel around this aspect, and if anyone holds us up or gets in our way then we may feel mildly irritated. We can push forward this morning, and get on with our tasks with a will to succeed and do our best.

The Moon then makes an opposition to Uranus. A sense of breaking free will start to come over us or needing to take the bull by the horns, and do our own thing. We may not be take kindly to being told what to do, and we may be much happier to find or discover our own route this morning. This aspect will see our emotions more on edge than is normal, and we may react to the slightest provocation in the most unusual of ways.

There are three more aspect in very quick succession that occurs before the moon switches signs, These are all inconjunct aspects, firstly to Chiron, then to Venus and finally to Mercury, with like yesterday all three in a conjunction. This suggests a conversation or dialogue (Mercury) with a loved one or someone in a relationship (Venus) over something that is hurting us (Chiron), or having to change our position, or adapt ourselves or our values to something radically new or difficult that is facing us.

All this takes us up to Midday (UK time), and then the Moon moves into Scorpio. We have a much different vibe to contend with now, as from not being able to make a positive decision under the Moon in Libra, we suddenly find that we may be force to choose either way with no recourse for going back under the Moon in Scorpio. There is a heavier and more emotional feel about the second half of this Monday, and we will react with more intensity and passion to anything that faces us.

Mercury makes contact with the star Scheat in the constellation of Pegasus today, a star that is linked to the mind, to intellect and to storms and sea disasters, according to the old star watchers of years gone by, and it is a fact that Mars was conjunct to this star at the launch of the Titanic. I think more to the point would be stormy emotions that test our mental endurance, and with the planet of the mind Mercury now on this star we may have to counter emotional situations that will test our resolve. This connection may also allow us to come up with new ideas or launch innovative solutions to situations that have been bugging us for a while. Remember if you are sending a new ship to sea, make sure you have back up plans or lifeboats ready, just in case a stray iceberg comes into view...

If you are interested in Astrology I write these "Astrology of the Day" posts each day on Steemit, so don't forget to log on around 9pm UK time every day when I post them up. For beginners of Astrology, I am also doing a series of posts to help newbies understand this beautiful and fascinating subject. Please follow me for more information...

Image - RMS Titanic from

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