Hi everyone!

Have you all heard of aspartame? If you haven't or arnt aware of the dangers then you better read this.

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener 200 TIMES SWEETER than sugar. You'll find it predominantly in 'sugar free' foods. Though I wouldn't call anything containing aspartame a food.
This poisonous little succer is found in over 6000 products, most of which are consumed each day. Products incude: health supplements (watch out for sugarless vitamin C), medicines, lollies, sodas, toothpaste, breath mints, laxatives, yoghurt, instant tea and coffee. The list is too long for me to mention them all.

Aspartame is digested by the human body so it can therefore move throughout the body depositing within tissue. Aspartame is known to dissrupt the ratio of amino acids in the blood, blocking or lowering the levels of serotonin, tryosine, dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine. You will find many of the symptoms to you go to a doctor for is just a toxic overload of this super sweet demon.

Adverse reactions include...
• anxiety, dizziness, unsteadiness, hearing impairment, tremors, agression, irritability, palpitations, shortness of breath, hives, diarrhea, cancers, tumors and in the most severe case, death.
A Monsanto funded study into possible birth defects was abandoned after data showed damaging information about aspartame. This is important for pregnant women to watch out for.

This is a small fraction of reactions one could suffer from. Keep in mind that these reactions could be immediate while others could sneek up on you.

It scares me to think that millions of people are cusuming aspartame each day! With no idea of the health side effects. I work in pharmacy. So I see first hand every day how sick and uneducated people are and it's very upsetting to see. People deserve to know the truth about what they are cusuming, especially if they are willing to buy a product containing aspartame to then give to their baby or child. Supprisingly though I've met people who just dont seem to care.

The picture below I snapped today. From my pharmacy shelves I grabbed popular products containing aspartame. I ask you to please avoid and find alternatives.

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