Welcome to Myself, A Hungry Techie from Malaysia

Welcome to Steemit, yours truly. :)

That's got to be one of the cheesiest opening lines ever, but I can't help it. I have been waiting for my Steemit account to be approved for weeks, and it finally happened. I've been following articles on the coming of "blockchain" based social media platforms for what seems like forever. However, this is the first time I'm able to experience it, so it's a pretty historic moment for me.

Of course, I doubt anybody will really read this first post anytime soon, so it's ok to be cheesy... I guess. Alright, so what do I hope to achieve with this blog?

I have always believed in connecting with people. To me, being united as human beings has got to be one of the greatest aspirations ever. In fact, I think that it's key to our survival because living off the fear of "others" being different is what is killing us. So, the faster we connect with each other, understand one another and learn how to appreciate these differences, the faster we can progress as a whole.

And blockchain technology is definitely one of the things that can speed that up. After all, blockchain tech allows us to trust another party without engaging in due diligence for the most part. This quote by an entrepreneur named Patrick Byrne sums it up nicely.

"For the first time in 6,000 years of human history, we can have peer-to-peer exchange where trust is not a problem anymore. And it's through the technology that underlies bitcoin. It's called the block chain."

Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/patrick_m_byrne_851337I'm also going to try something a little different with this blog. Instead of only talking about technological stuff, I'm going to talk about food. A LOT of FOOD.

Food is another truly amazing platform. While providing us with sustenance, the act of eating, of sharing food with each other, is a great bridging activity that brings people closer together. Throughout history, sharing food has created trade, bring communities closer together and acts as a stepping stone for people to learn more about the culture of others.

I'm from Malaysia, one of the most diverse countries in Asia in terms of ethnicity. Here, we live in harmony with dozens of ethnicity, yet we have another very unique trait; most Malaysians are able to converse in English proficiently. Anybody who has had the pleasure of visiting Malaysia are treated to an incredible huge range of cultures, food and attractions. Just google Malaysian food, especially Penang, and you will find tons of articles about how good the food is here, and how easy it is to find them. Here is one such article. We were featured as one of the best places in the world to visit by CNN. (https://www.nst.com.my/news/2017/01/202954/penang-named-2nd-top-tourist-destination-2017-cnn)

So yes, if you're interested to know more about my culture and my food, I hope you will enjoy my blog. Feel free to ask me anything about Malaysia, Penang, or its food and I'll be glad to answer them.

Happy reading peeps!

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