Catching the Sunset
Its already 5 o'clock in the afternoon and its time to get up and go home. While Im in the balcony, I noticed the beautiful color of the sky while the sun is setting.

Its been a tiring day today and so stressful. Our office is under renovation and I am working in a messy place full of sacks of agricultural supplies. Then I can't concentrate working, the weather is too hot and we have no aircon, only a desk fan. And worst, smelling the mixed odor from supplies and dust from the road which really stressed me out.

Our office is located near river bank. The river almost has no water at all since it did not rain for a couple of month already.

Seeing this beautiful scene, it really gave me relief. I enjoyed viewing the sunset in the balcony.


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[Photo collaged by Canva]


Agricultural sector is affected due to the extreme hot weather that causes limited source of water and easily dry up the farm land. This really causing inflation on raw food supplies.

Not only that, people nowadays luck of discipline in terms of disposing their garbages. Just like the river near our office,it is contaminated with disposed garbages from households and facilities.
Even the backyard piggeries, some has no septic tank andwere disposing the feces of fheir pigs in the river.

The government of the Philippines, specially the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has implemented different rules and regulations for environmental enhancement programs, projects and activities with an equivalent penalty from 30K to 50k pesos.

But even, the government implement such proframs, projects and activities with prohibition, regulations, terms and conditions,if the people has no self-discipline and not intentionally doing what is right to do to conserve the environment, all efforts will be in vain.

So, like the sunset, let us make our day beautiful by simply practicing basic things inculcating self discipline.
Let us be the CHANGE. Change our mindset,renew our mind, do what is right to do. Cultivate self-discipline, influence the next generation because they are the one to take our place when we're gone in this earth. We are like sunset, while we are near to our end, we must shine, make others notice us, let us set good examples, let us promote discipline for them rise up like sunrise in the morning.

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[Photo collage by Canva]

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