Nine Noble Virtues

Hello Steemit!

We have been talking, for quite some time, about ways to live a better life as well as reclaim our identities as unique individuals in a world that forces integration and ”diversity” (I have it in quotes because people are inclined to say diversity means pure inclusion, when in fact that is the exact opposite of diversity).

I'm am here to say that we can celebrate all people's uniqueness, including their heritage, while at the same time being proud of our own ancestors.

My ancestors were European, my wife is European, and my children are European. I'm not ashamed of that fact and in fact, I am proud of it. One thing I love about Steemit is that you get to experience all of the people sharing their culture, I love to see when they are proud of it as well!

How can we preserve our precious last? By taking care of the future, of course.

Now, I want to say that it is my pleasure to share with Steemit the 9 Nobel virtues. These virtues have been compiled by the Asatru Folk Assembly and have been around since the 1970s. I think they are a great guide to live a more honorable life, be a better person, and ultimately raise better children. Our future belongs to our children, and how we raise them will determine the future of the world.

To be perfectly clear, I am 100% for diversity. I love my culture the most (because it's mine), but I also love our world for the amazing and wonderful cultures that reside in it. From the Native Americans, to the ancient Chinese, to the tribes of Africa, all the way to the ancient Sumerians. Each culture has a beautiful and unique history that contributes to humanity and helps to define each and every one of us.

It is the goal of modern religions (Abrahamic religions) to destroy these amazing cultures. It is truly heartbreaking and I hope you all take the time to honor your ancestors and share with your children your own native ways.

Going forward I would like to dedicate a post to each of the following 9 novel virtues and just talk a little bit about what it means to me.

Self Reliance

So please, engage with the conversation and let me know about your native people. What were they like? What gods did they worship? What was important to them?

Thanks for stopping and looking forward to hearing from you! Follow along if you would like to see more about the 9 Nobel Virtues.

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