Busking in the Netherlands // CREATIVE PROCES to new song for our band LIVING EARTH <3

Together with 5 other beautifull people we founded a new band called LIVING EARTH. The band is formed with two people from holland, two from belgium and two brazzilians.

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We try to get everyone together in one place to rehearse the setlist.
Which is not easy because of the diversity in personal interests, impulsive (re)actions, fleeting feelings, desire, insecurities and other typically human ways of being and feeling.

Long story short, we're in a relationship with 5 people including ourselves.

And we all know how relationships are; NOT easy, confronting, sometimes even draining, with bad communication because of upcoming emotions ... BUT super rewarding when you keep it up and form the bond, connection you always desired for.

All our songs are own creations. The method we use is to just jam together till a little flame starts and we build further on that flame. This creative proces is not always with everyone together.

The including jam session was when we were busking/jamming in the Netherlands on the streets with Arno, Saulo and me.
It's only a part of the 1 hour jam.
In this moment we found eachother and like magic the words, notes, rhythms came out of 'nothing' and formed a new song to work on.

Let me know what you think.


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