DIY: The Trend That's Sweeping The World!

Good Evening, Steemit Universe!

Do you love art or crafting? I sure do. What about you? What do you enjoy? Currently, I am enjoying the ever-so-popular wood sign trend that seems to be sweeping the world right now. I have a dear friend, Jill, who has scraps and scraps of wood at her home. I expressed I'd LOVE to make my very own wood sign(s). So, she invited me over today to take a look at what she has and to see what I may want to make. I have had this one particular idea in my mind for quite some I'm glad she had me over! Our good friend Jodi joined us too for an afternoon of crafting fun!

With Josh being in the Navy, I've always wanted (to make) the CUTE Pinterest inspired "Home is where the Navy sends us" wood sign with attached duty stations. Well, today my dream became a reality and I started my first wood sign project ... EVER!


In Jill's shed, I dug through piles of various sized planks of wood. I settled on a nice pine (I think pine - it smells like pine!). It has so much texture and character. I definitely want something weathered, not perfect, but strong - kind of like our Josh's career in the Navy! After careful thought, I figured out that I wanted my wood slats to be 16" long and 2" wide. My friend Jill taught me a lot today. I watched and learned as she cut the slats of wood down to my desired dimensions. She asked me how I felt about power tools and I said I'd be willing to give them a go! I adorned my safety glasses - safety first - and was ready to try. With all the safety measures in place, I felt confident to give it a go. I ended up cutting my 24" slats down to 16" slats. I felt so ... powerful! ha ha.

After cutting the slats down, it was time to sand. I learned how to use an electric sander. I was able to sand 4 of my 13 slats today. I'm taking my time. I'm currently taking a painting class and if I've learned nothing more it's that there is no deadline on personal projects. Now, if your getting paid or have a deadline set, that's different. My friend Jill will go to Florida in November so I hope to just have it done by then!


Aaaah, and just like that 3.5 hours FLEW by ... before I knew it, it was time to wrap up and head home for dinner with Josh.

Today was a really fun day with new, crafty, artsy friends. I learned a lot. I love learning new things/trades as I know it make us more rounded individuals!

Stay tuned for the progress of my wood sign! <3



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