The magic I feel when I paint.

I've been called prolific, and I guess that's true. I look back at all the art I've made in the last 3-4 years and it is, by far, the most creative and freeing experience I have ever known. There's something about sitting down and looking at a blank canvas, and finding inspiration beyond the blank space.

Of course past influences and experiences come into play when I create a painting, but there's something beyond that that contributes to the magic and beauty that happens when I add each stroke of my brush, pen or bottle. As the pieces grow and bloom into their final design, I'm often surprised at the results.

I never have a clear mental picture of what I'm going for; often the background colors, patterns and textures guide my first stroke. That stroke in turn tells me where the next line or dot will be. I don't always feel in control of what happens and that's why I used the word magic earlier. I honestly feel that the creative ability I have is beyond my understanding of how it works.

Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be?

Event Horizon.jpg

It Was Bound To Happen - Molecular Madness.jpg

Yeah its like that.jpg

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