'The Goddess & The Nigga' Hood Bedtime Stories (part 1) by @sirlunchthehost

Our story begins on a dimly lit day, following an unlucky man whom has just left his home in search of something called Majikkoins. Legend tells that 1 Majkkoin can feed a whole village for an entire year, but obtaining one is near impossible because they only exist within a parallel dimension known as "the crypto space." What will the man find? What will he become?Will he even find shit? Who knows!

The man wipes sweat from his brows

"I've been walking all damn day."

Drops piece of paper on the ground

"According to the road map there should have been a hard fork here, but where the hell is it?"

Just then the man got a glimpse of something metallic in the distance, desperately looking for any signs of a hard fork he rushed toward the objects location. Upon coming closer he could see that it was not just something, but indeed it was another man. A hefty man who sat upon a mountain of gold and silver eating fried chicken, but to the left of him on a opposite path stood a white Pegasus surrounded by dead plants and trees. At this moment the man knew he had reached the hard fork in the road

The man caught his breath and began to speak

"You, fat man on gold and silver. Where does this path lead?"

The large man shifted his ass around a little and replied

"If you are looking for Majikkoins they are this way my friend, they come at the cost of your morals and "Sin"sorship."

The man paused to think and set his gaze on the Pegasus, before he could ask the beautiful creature the same question the stocky man interrupted.

"I wouldn't go that way, theres nothing to be had over there. As you can see Majikkoins are this way, the only thing you will find over there is Rejektkoins and death. You would be making a wise decision by coming this way."

As the man pondered on the two paths in the road, he concluded that it would be wise to go where he knew Majikkoins would be. And so he took one step in the fat man direction, but before he could make another he heard a voice rattle inside his head. It was so loud and profound he brought the man to his knee's, he then looked over at the Pegasus in agony

Again he heard the voice, this time louder and it said

"My nigga, I'm a Pegasus. A mythical creature, are you really going to follow that fat bastard? I mean you could do that my nigga, but I'm sure its not the right move bro, just sayin. Why don't you hope on my back,my nigga. Cause I know this Goddess n shit my nigga and shes lonely, my nigga. She could use your love, my nigga."

Just then the man realized he was a nigga and jumped on the Pegasus back. Majikkoins and saving his village would have to wait, there was a Goddess in trouble. As the nigga and the horse fly away into the distance, the nigga wondered just what he was getting into by flying a horse over a dead forest. Maybe he had made the wrong decision?

The Pegasus looked back and began to speak

"Yo my nigga, her spot is right over these mountains, but I need to warn you. Other niggas live in these parts, so once we get to the cave never ever leave it. If you do they will pop yo ass man, real shit."

The Nigga just stared at the talking,flying horse in amazement

Just then, the niggas set his eyes upon a massive opening in the side of a mountain. The Pegasus tucked his wings in and began to nose dive into the entrance

Grinning mildly the Pegasus began rocking his body

" I don't know my nigga, it looks like I might lose control dawg."

Scared and nervous the nigga replied

"Quit playing you magic horse ass nigga, cause if I fall, on my momma ima knock you out for playing around too much nigga."

Before they could pursue an ignorant,momma joked filled argument the Pegasus tilted over and dropped the nigga off his back into a small body of water inside the cave. This would have been okay except for one thing, its a known fact that niggas can't swim. So the nigga began to drown helplessly. As the nigga reached and gasped for air he could feel his body becoming heavy and his movements harder to complete with each swing." Was this it"Did the nigga ride a magic horse just to drown in some weird body of water in a cave? Just then he felt something press up against his back raising him out of the water. When he opened his eyes and gain some senses back, he was shocked by what he saw. Before him was a Giant sized,red haired, pale skinned woman with eyes of emerald and teeth of ivory.

She gazed upon the barely breathing nigga in her palm with curiosity

"What be you little dark man, why are you here?"

The nigga stood up in her palm and began to speak

" I am a man, who became a nigga. I'm sure there is another step after that because I would like to evolve from a nigga, but still yet I am a nigga, my nigga. And your magic nigga horse brought me here because he said you were lonely my nigga. I was suppose to bring back Majjikoins to my niggas at the village, but I found you and my heart has changed, my nigga "

Instantly the White woman Goddess and the nigga fell in love and began living out their lives in harmony and happiness until one day the nigga asked to go outside the cave so that he could go visit his other niggas

The nigga sat up

"Is there anyway I can go see my niggas, Miss White Woman Goddess?"

The Goddess Shifted uneasy at the niggas ignorance and question

"If you go outside, you cannot touch the ground or you will die. So take the Pegasus and fly back to your village, visit your friends. I thought we agreed to stop calling everything and everyone nigga? Anyway, just remember don't step off the horse."

Just then the nigga passed the blunt to the Pegasus and told him to take his last hit of marijuana before they flew off to the village. And so he did, and so the nigga got up on the Pegasus back and turned to say goodbye to the Goddess. As the Pegasus began to walk outside the cave he tripped over his own hove because of how dank the niggas weed was and fell down. At that very moment the nigga touched the ground outside and perished. Forever.

R.I.P. My Nigga.

Thank you for reading, I am everything short of a writer

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