Although, there's almost nothing artistic in my personality I decided to disconnect my self somehow from all the work I've been doing this week. I initially wanted to go to a small mountain trip, but my girlfriend suggested to go to a museum.

All I wanted to do was to do anything else rather than staying at home and playing video games or watching movies. So, that being said, I accepted her offer and let her decide the museum we were going too, any option was good for me haha!

She started searching for opened museums in Bucharest and the first one she found was MNAC (Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana) - National Contemporary Art Museum. Without any further ado we dressed on and started our journey to the museum.

The museum was ETA 20 minutes from a metro station and it was placed in the Parliament House's area. Parliament House of Bucharest is the largest administrative building according to wikipedia . We are also considering visiting that building in the near future! I think it will be an awesome experience.

This is how the entrance of the museum looks like. We didn't actually manage to take a good photo of it so, I will paste a better photo of it taken by somebody else!


Once entered in the building at the ground floor there was the ticket place in the left and in the right there were 2 security guards and a metal detector scanner similar to the airports. They asked us to undress our coats and put everything we have ( phones, watches etc. ) on the scanner's band. This procedure was really weird for a museum if you ask me. Also, the ticket student costed 4 RON ( ~ 1USD ) which was hella cheap! The normal ticket was around 4 times more expensive - 4 USD $.

The museum was composed from 4 different floors. Each floor was describing a different art theme but I didn't manage to remember those, so in the upcoming writing I will add photos from all these 4 random floors with their actual short description! Hope you will be enjoying it. 😁

that's me, actually I don't know how to smile in photos without looking akward haha.

At one point in the museum we've found a bunch of a lot old books. It reminded both of us about Harry Potter. The texture of these books and the way they have been preserved through hundred of years is fascinating!


This was actually a really old album of random drawings.

Although, what was really interesting is that for each of the exhibit that was placed in the glass case there was a samsung tablet which was playing over and over again a video which was showing how each page of that book looks like.

This is a video showing how old animations actually looked like.

The Mirror and the Text

One of the places that attracted me the most was the 4th floor where it was shown art made by mechanical actions. An example was rotating a crank which was generating the puppets to change their state and "get life".

These artistic creations reminded me of Leonardo Da Vinci series where the protagonist tried to combine art with the mechanical engineering, things I can actually relate as well.


For this one I think that if you actually ride the bike the little men start to dance !


A few random photos


If you feel like this post is getting boring, I felt the same in the museum at some point but some lucky, divine occured! I couldn't resist the temptation although I was there with my girlfriend. While she went to the bathroom I sneaked out to take out a quick snapshot.



Thank you for reading!

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