Truck art and Decoration: From trash to treasure

Found this beautifully decorated old truck at Discovery centre.


Decorative metal work is bolted into the truck and reflective stickers add even more decoration and colour. Children used to collect scrap metal off the streets and sell them to metal workers, who can make anything out of the metal.

Metal chains hang from the bottom and go all the way around the truck. Driers put chains around the truck so that people can hear them before they can see them.

In South Asia fish is a symbol for plenty associated with ancient Indian astrology. Skilled metalworkers can mould fish shapes out of the metal within minutes.


Truck art is a type of folk art practised on vehicles in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other south asian countries. Decorations include flowers, birds, geometric shapes, real and mythical animals, fantasy landscapes and poetry.



Truck drivers believe the decorations protect them and the load on their journey.

Have a great weekend.

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