Spotted: Art, Murals & Street Art From Around the World (Part: 1)

Since late 2015 I have been collecting photos of artwork from the countries I have traveled, and will be sharing them bit by bit, tagging each city and a story behind the photo (if I have one).

These art pieces are welcomed on the walls of hostels, streets in the heart of cities, outskirts and apartment buildings.

To kick things off, one of my favourites:

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This was on one of the kitchen walls of the hostel that I stayed at for 3 months. I freakin loved this place.

There are many pieces I will be showing from this hostel because the place was filled with artwork, all very different and unique. The owner of the hostel would tell people, “If you can draw well, pick a wall and have fun.”

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The pool and bar area of Vivo Escondido.

Beers are 20 pesos, roughly $1USD (10 pesos for staff). The bar situation runs on a trust system. Take a beer, write your name on the clipboard and put a strike next to name. Take another beer, add another strike etc etc. It gets tallied up the following morning and you pay your bill when checking out.

Entrance and front open area

This is what you see from the pool. The hostel is an extremely large house, borderline Mansion. It is ALWAYS warm/hot here.

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The pool wall mural - such a fun piece. This one was done by a local artist, if my memory serves correctly.

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Swedish traveler, Bjorn, painting Optimus Prime vs Darth Vader on Super Nintendo. But who would win?

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My favourite painting: the intertwined man and woman. This was painted by a New Zealander, ex Police Officer turned professional Story Boarder.

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Local artist, Carlos, many of the paintings in the hostel have been painted by Carlos.

I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of my Artwork Around the World Gallery.

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