Some Happy Energy....

It's been 22 days since I posted last. My Firefox reset something and my peak key would no longer work. I didn't have time for that ! LOL

In the mean time I have been doing stuff.... sometimes the stuff was sit in my cushie chair with my feet up.

Part of that stuff has not been hugs though. I live alone and that means I haven't gotten any hugs since this covid fiasco started.

Revolting !

I have been doing a little paint slinging now and then. A little something happy to pass some time.

Happy Energy.jpg

I finally got my key out and signed up again for another peak key. Just today in fact.

I don't know. So many things don't seem to matter right now. Not in a depressive way, but just in, MY MY how you see things differently when you are not supposed to go anywhere.

With things starting to open up a little now, I am fully expecting there to be an even larger outbreak of covid as people are tired of staying in and they will likely not take as much care as they should. I'm of an age though and have diabetes, so I will not be changing what I am doing for now. I did visit my Mom in her yard for Mother's Day and her birthday. I just can't like it ! I just can't.

whine whine complain whine whine.....

I hate to be all neggy and all.... but....


ha ha..... that's what I think about all this stuff.

I'm still alive so far, so there is that good thing.

Hope you are all doing well.... staying safe.... and finding ways to enjoy your days.

Love ya !


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