Scraps..... And Last Night's Dream

Hello Again ! Here we are at Friday Eve. Anything to make it sound like it is almost the weekend is A-Okay with me !
I had a dream last night. It seemed to last a long time, not just a snippet like some of them are. It had this man in it that I think I have had the strongest feelings for in my entire life. I can't say telling it makes total sense. It seems we were somewhere, like a party, but not a wild crazy party, more like a casual business party. I thought we went together, but then I was across the room and was wondering if I was supposed to act like I didn't know him. He wasn't married when I knew him in real life, but he married after and thinking back on it I wondered if that had something to do with it, but in my dream I wasn't thinking about him being married now.
Then it seemed we were somewhere that looked like a different party and I found myself wondering the same thing, if I was supposed to act like I didn't know him. At some point he made a motion, really more of a look that let me know he wanted me to come over to where he was sitting. I went, we talked and somehow now we were in a place, like a fancy suite or something, a big place, decorated nicely. he had on a nightshirt?, a long one that reminded me of something from the middle east. It was thin, but may have had muted embroidery designs on it. (maybe they don't call them nightshirts) Thinking back this morning, I thought that was odd, because I've never seen a man in one of those besides photos, but...
He came over where I was sitting and sat down and then he made a move to kiss me and of course I let him. (ha ha.. me no 😇 ) We kissed several times and he wasn't a good kisser at all ! (not true in real life) .... but I continued to kiss him back because my feelings were so deep for him, it didn't matter. (what are dreams for??)... He asked me something that I can't remember and kind of finished it with something like, he wasn't sure I would be interested or I wouldn't want him to say it and I looked him deeply in the eyes and told him that I had no issue with him saying it as I cared for him so much, that I would not be offended.
Now.... if only I could remember what he said.
I know it doesn't sound like much of a dream, but it seemed to last a long time while it was happening. I thought it was odd to dream of him like that after all these years. Then I began to wonder if he had died. He was a big, strong man when I knew him, but several years back, after a covid vaccine, he had contracted Guillain Barre Syndrome very badly. It has taken these several years for him to fight his way back, so he has not been so well for a few years. This morning when I got up, I went to check his facebook page hoping I was wrong and I think I was wrong, although if he had passed in the night, maybe it wouldn't show there. I'm crazy you say? Yeah a little, but what I did find was that they are burying his Mom today and I am sure he must be deeply grieved right now.
I'm not big into wooo wooooooo stuff, but when I was considerably younger, I used to have lots of dreams and some of it was uncanny about things that seemed to coincide. It was so uncanny that one of my sisters told me if I ever dreamed anything about her, don't tell her. LOL !! Anyway, I didn't remember a lot of dreams for years, but I have more and more lately. I'm not trying to read things into them and pretty much ponder them and let them go, but for some reason, this one made me look !
So... now back to the real world

circles horizontal.jpg

A couple of nights ago I went to my art table and my head was empty. LOL... (shuddup!) ....I had nothing in mind to practice on next, so I took this paper that I had used to blot excess paint off of stencils and rollers and the such and began to randomly glue bits of pretty papers on it. I have so many scraps now, that it's not really wasteful.

Blot paper base.jpg

I love gluing the papers and at the end of that evening, this is how it looked. It was just some random fun that was not supposed to turn into anything valid.

blot paper with collage paper.jpg

So last night, I worked on a journal page I had started the night before, finished it and had extra time, so I pulled the collaged blot paper over, got out my punches and decided to turn it into collage fodder. Fodder, fodder, fodder.... collage buzz word....LOL
The punches I showed you a good while back were perfect for it. I took this big one that makes two inch circles out and begin to go around the paper's edges. The way these are made, the little door is semi-clear so you can see through, or you can open them like you see here and this way, you can see what area you are about to punch, which to me is much better than blindly punching and hoping for the best.

bottom of circle punch.jpg

I punched out circles here and there and everywhere. Not only did it make fun circles like the first and last photos show here, but it created the circle cut out design in what was left of parts of the paper. Both can be used, torn or whole in future collage pieces, so again, not a waste.

punch hole circle scraps 2.jpg

Some smaller ones. There was something fun looking about them. No telling where they will show up again.

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I thought a few of these circles were like complete little pieces of abstract art within themselves. This is the same photo as the beginning one, just shown vertical.

circles vertical.jpg

That's about it for now. I hope you are looking forward to your weekend like I am and I hope you do something fun while it is here.
Love you !
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