
Happy Friday! ....again....
You know yesterday was a holiday here in the US, so I was off and got paid for it.... Yay ! My favorite kind of day. A few weeks ago, I also put in for today as a vacation day so that I would have a looonnnggg weekend. Of course you know the 4 days will seem to go as fast as the normal 2 day weekend, which means it will still be over in a FLASH!.... but for now I'm enjoying it as much as I can.
As I went through the house yesterday morning and ended up in the kitchen, I thought about loading the dish washer, but the child-me said "No, no, you can't do that, it's a holiday and no chores are allowed!".... and so I did what I do the majority of the time and let the spoiled child-me have her way. I didn't load the dishwasher and I didn't do any laundry and I didn't sweep the floor...the only thing I did give into later in the day, was scrubbing the turlet. I didn't want to do that either, but it needed it and I just couldn't leave it, but it didn't take but a few minutes.
I did do some sorting and reorganizing of some of my art related stuff. I don't really consider that a chore though, because everything about the art stuff is just playing and never feels like a chore.
By early evening I had all of that I wanted to do done and so it was time to decide what I would work on first for the evening. By the time I went to bed, this was what had turned up.I did want to do the "chunky" collage type of style. I'm not sure I met that as I am wondering if I should have had bigger, but less pieces of collage paper glued on. It turn out more of a combination of sizes and that's ok too I suppose as there are things I like about it anyway.

crow 1 done.jpg

In the reorganizing mode, I gathered some pieces I had started, but didn't finish and some pieces from the past months that I don't love and they either need to be updated and added too or have a complete do-over. This is one that I began a couple of months back. I had made some new collage papers at the time and so I had painted the background, drew around on it with some markers or crayons and glued some random papers on. At the time, for the point you see here, I guessed it might end up somewhat garden-y as it looked floral to me. Then it got set aside and kept getting passed over, so last night was it's night and......

Crow 1 July 4 what it was before.jpg

.... instead of going forward as something floral'ish, it got a complete paint over. I used some more of my new paints and "POOF" the previous direction was GONE ! Then I decided that I would do a chunky version of collage on it. It took me a while to go through my collage papers and try to decide what colors that would go on top of this crazy background. I spent the evening playing around with it, watching TV or art videos while playing.

after new paints covered.jpg

So here is the animation of the process. All of the black that is there was stenciled directly on it, which to me is always risky. Sometimes when stenciling, paint goes under part of the stencil and somewhere in the end, there is a blob where it shouldn't be and although there are ways to recover sometimes, sometimes there is not. Believe me when I tell you that I did those parts very slow and carefully. I was lucky this time as they all came out ok.


Here's the B&W version. Pretty neat, right?


The child-me is asking since although this is no longer a holiday, it IS a vacation day, am I still free to do no chores?? LOL! ....but I will at least load the dishwasher and run it and I probably will do a load or two of laundry. I don't consider laundry that much of a chore, you put it in one machine and start it and then put it in another machine and start it and later you hang up or fold and neither of those things is a big deal. The washer and dryer are conveniently in a nook in the hall, so have very easy access. I am lucky about that for now I'm thinking.
I hope you all have or have had a very good day.
Love you ! Mean it !
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