Collage Paper Making Party.... Party Of One That Is

I have been on my own so long, it may be that I am turning weird. Ok, I've been turning weird a long time I suppose, so not just today. 😂 An hour ago or more my Alexa let me know a delivery had arrived. I stepped out the door to retrieve my package from the porch and movement to my left made me flinch a little till I realized it was just a Granddaddy Long Legs spider on the house beside the door, just about head level ! Once I realized what it was, I grinned and said "Granddaddy ! What are you doing here??" Which of course then made me laugh. I wondered immediately if things like that were evidence that I've lived alone too long. It could be my age too or maybe I would have been the same even if I hadn't been on my own so long. I guess there is no real answer to that.
Just so you'll know, Granddaddy didn't answer me back.
I had decided to make some more collage papers last night to freshen up my stash that I use in my collage art. I pictured getting my gel press out and using that for this session, but there was also one stencil that I wanted a variety of colors of, so I started with that, thinking I would only spend a little time on that one style and then jump over to the press.


That didn't happen though. I had gathered different types of paper to use, but once I got started with the stencils, I ended up just doing stenciled papers instead. I stayed up till 5 am playing and so of course I slept half the morning away this morning.


Here is a little animation of some of the papers I created. They will be added to my paper containers to wait for their turn to be torn up and used in some future practice project.


Before one of my last sessions of making lots of papers at one time, one of the youtube Mixed Media folks had mentioned they had bought a cheap shower curtain to put on the floor for the wet papers to dry. I had thought that was a good idea, so a month or two ago, I was in Dollar General and as I went down the Summer Season doodad isle, I saw a cheep colorful vinyl table cloth and a cheap summer shower curtain and it reminded me about what the other artist had said. There is definitely not enough room on my art table to lay this many out to dry while I am working on them. SO... I bought one of both. Later when I had the next session of collage paper making, It hit me that I could lay one of them over the top of my washer and dryer and use it like that instead, so I didn't have to take up a lot of floor space and not have to bend over to arrange them or pick them back up ! It has worked nicely since and so I did that again last night.


I came out with quite the nice selection of colors and designs, thing is, there are more I want to do. I pictured myself getting up today and going right back to the art table and begin again, this time either using the gel press or doing some hand painted designs, but that hasn't happened yet. I took some photos instead to make the animation to go with this post, spent some time reading some other Hiver's posts and a spent a little while clearing out some photos from my google cloud account so there will be more room to put some more in. I'm determined not to pay for storage, so I moved a couple years worth to an external hard drive I already have and deleting them out of the cloud. That is such a simple thing to do, but it amazingly takes a lot more time than it seems like it would. I moved 2017 and 2018 today and I will try to get the rest, one year at a time every few days till I can clear it out to start over.


When I started this post I thought as soon as it was done THEN I really WAS going back to the art table to work on more papers, but now before I can finish, I'm thinking I should load the dishwasher first and let it run while I play. I detest when chores interfere with my fun ! 😂
I hope you have something fun planned for today and that you make it happen.
Love ya !


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