Strange paintings for inspiration

Hi, guys!

Yesterday was my first meeting with a new psychotherapist, and I must say, I am very pleased with how it went. The woman was very pleasant. We got to know each other, I outlined a list of topics that I would like to work on, and we understood each other.

When I was looking for a psychotherapist, I really wanted it to be an existential psychotherapist. There are a lot of Gestalt therapists now, and I really don't like them. Therefore, Lyubava seems to fit me perfectly. Fortunately, we live in the 21st century and the fact that we are in different countries does not matter, we can conduct sessions on Skype.

I was quite inspired after the session, I had a hope that everything would work out. And she was inspired to such an extent that she decided to return to her project with comics, but in a different way. So far, it’s obvious that I cannot pull off a large and coherent project, so I decided to focus on small scenes. Most likely they will be about the life of a creature with a mental disorder, I just haven't decided what kind of creature it will be. I want to do something cute and fun, to support myself in this way, and maybe someone else who will like my work. That would be perfect.




See what interesting paintings were photographed at the exhibition. I love to watch and see new things in art, it is very inspiring for my own creativity. They say that in order to start doing something, you need to collect 50 impulses, then the motivation will be sufficient. It seems to me that in order to return to drawing, I almost collected my 50s.





The side effects of lithium began to decrease. My psychiatrist went on vacation very inappropriately, so I can't figure out if I should continue to increase the dose, but in any case, I no longer feel as bad as at the beginning of treatment, when I literally could not calm down with my body. Next week I have already signed up for my sports activities, I will be returning a little.

Before, I would have been ashamed to come to training so out of shape. Now I don't care. In the end, I pay for classes, which means I can come and practice in order to get progress at my own pace.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones:)

See you in the next post!
Love, Inber

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