The First Time I Got Drunk & Painted

After I shared my first post about my wine & paint double date night, I thought I would show you my first wine & paint night painting so you could see how far I've come.

My best friend from college- she's a naturally talented artiste- came up with this wonderful idea that we attend a wine & paint night. I kept my standards for myself pretty low, so as to not be disappointed. We met for dinner at the Hop Cat, which serves award-winning "crack fries." Yes, that's what they're actually called and they do live up to their name.

After dinner we checked in and headed for the bar. It just so happened to be Wine Wednesday, meaning half-off all wine bottles. I bought a bottle of red and headed for the paint.


This painting was a little more complicated than the second painting I did of the skyline, because this one had long lines that were supposed to be straight. We started with the clouds. Which as I said before, are more complicated to paint than they look. Mine didn't turn out as natural-looking and whispy as I'd hoped, but what can you do. The paint is already on the canvas!


Next was the real challenge: painting the powerlines. It was very hard to paint clean lines with my paint brush. I think I had too much paint on my brush. Our teacher kept warning us to stop trying to correct lines because in the end you'll make them too thick. She was right. Also once you start swooping a line, you can't redirect it.


And those damn birds... I practiced several times on the piece of paper on the table. One of the birds ended up looking like a pecker and I had to ask my teacher for help on how to fix it. Can you spot it?


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