Pentre Ifan Monument "a.C and then d.C" that remains of feet that wonderful !!!

Pentre Ifan se encuentra cerca de la ciudad de Fishguard en Gales. Probablemente data desde aproximadamente 3.500 AC. Se trata del dolmen más conocido, antiguo y mejor conservado del Reino Unido. Pentre Ifan, se utilizaba como fosa fúnebre o para conmemorar a algún personaje de importancia fallecido, aunque no se descarta la idea de que el dolmen fuese realizado para otro tipo de ritos.

The structure

This mysterious structure was probably built as a tomb, but for thousands of years the land around it has been eroded, exposing the structure. The upper stone measures 5.1 m and is estimated to weigh 16 tons. It is delicately supported by the tips of three rocks anchored in the ground. The facade that surrounds the portal was built following the technique of dry stone..

The mysterious building was built on a hill according to the beliefs of its builders. They believed that the souls of the dead will be closer to the spiritual world, if they are buried on the hill, closer to the Sun, which was considered as the giver of light, heat and life.


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