Italian courtyard in St. Petersburg


This usual story for St. Petersburg occurred in one of the courtyards. It ended with the truth of the victory of the residents, because they did not accept the decision of officials and actively fought for the beauty of their court.

In 2013, residents of houses on Italian Street decided to decorate their yard, making it pleasant for life. Well, in fact, like living in the center of St. Petersburg, and from the windows you can see only the gray walls of the well-yard, though big.



Invited talented artist from the company ANO "Energy of the Nation" and on the walls there were wonderful drawings reminiscent of the hot sun, romantic Venice, eternal Rome and classical Italian architecture. After all, Peter does not have enough sun, and then there is a closed courtyard. And now the courtyard has turned into a real work of art, which people come to admire to dream about Italy.



A huge graffiti on the whole end wall of the courtyard with the image of the Colosseum against the blue sky. Under it, surrounded by ivy, there is a small fountain above which an amazing metal tree with scarlet flowers grows. The windows of the walls of the houses are painted: bright colors, Italian motifs, painted shutters by the windows, which can be taken as existing ones.


And now about the sad.
As you know, officials did not like this initiative, although everything was agreed. The project was implemented by FSW # 1 of the Central District. "It was a surprise for the residents and the head of Shcherbakova district. The yard was to take part in the contest "the best object of improvement." But the artists did not fully agree on the sketches of the drawings and "accidentally stopped on the wrong wall", which turned out to be part of the house-monument of architecture. And when the work of artists was made at 70%, suddenly the workers came and began to paint graffiti with some "rusty" paint, saying that this should be according to historical data. In the newspaper there was an article by the official KGA Kanunnikova, who unlike residents is not very impressed with the graffiti with the image of Italy: "They painted the wall in a terrible blue. In the picture they have a falling Colosseum, which allegedly blew up. Why are they so incorrectly refer to other people's monuments of architecture? And what does the Colosseum have to do with it? This is the Shuvalov quarter. Here was the palace of Count Shuvalov, to him Ekaterina, to her favorite, at night went - this is the history of the city. " The project cost 600 thousand rubles. "This is the same budget money, could repair the pipes." And these money, among other things, were collected by tenants, who do not have to repair pipes, because they already pay this work, paying utility bills.


This story of a small courtyard ended well, graffiti was able to agree and finish. Now the territory of the courtyard is well-maintained and well-groomed. There are comfortable benches and a children's playground, and in summer everything is buried in greenery. In the corner of the courtyard there is a small "Italian" homemade coffee house, which you will not immediately notice. You can take a cup of coffee and go to the Italian street, sit down on the bench and admire the famous attraction of Rome.


The gate is usually closed. To get inside, you can either wait for the locals, or call one of the organizations located in the courtyard and you will open the gate.

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