Neo-Gothic Church, far from 19th-Century England – Architectural Photography

This stately example of neo-gothic architecture is in an Indian hill station up in the Himalayas.  

Landmark and legacy

Christ Church is one of the oldest churches in India. Built by the British Raj during the prime of the gothic revival in the 1850s, it is situated on a ridge overlooking the town of Shimla. It remains one of the prime landmarks of the town, as well as one of the most enduring legacies of the Raj.    

It can be seen from miles around, and just a glimpse of this imposing structure reminds you that, while this is India, there was something more going on there for a few centuries.  [Right-Click Here to Enlarge Photo]

By Kipling

Historical note – The window in the chancel was apparently designed by Lockwood Kipling, the father of the great writer Rudyard Kipling.    
Location – Chirst Church, Shimla, on Google Maps

This is my entry in @juliank’s Architectural Photography contest.

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