Unusual view of Chain Bridge

In 2015, during the Easter holidays, I was visiting someone in Budapest, Hungary. And because I wanted to know more about this city, I decided to take a tour of the most important tourist attractions of this city, full of history. I'll show you one-two pictures from time to time, although I'm not sure I can pass that pleasure and satisfaction that I felt then.

In anul 2015, in perioada sarbatorilor de Paste, am fost in vizita la cineva in Budapeste, Ungaria. Si pentru ca doream sa cunosc mai multe despre acest oras, am decis sa far un tur al celor mai importante atractii turistice ale acestui oras, plin de istorie. Va voi prezenta, din-cand-in-cand, cate una-doua poze, desi nu am siguranta ca va voi putea transmite acea placere si satisfactie pe care o simteau eu atunci.

This is the architectural view of the Chain Bridge from the inside of the Buda Castle tunnel.

Aceasta este privelistea arhitecturala a podului Chain Bridge din interiorul Buda Castle tunnel.

Chain Bridge from inside of Buda Castle Tunnel

And this is Buda Castle Tunnel (eastern entrance), designed and builded by Adam Clark (1811-1866) commissioned in 1850 by the Hungarian government. Work on the Buda Castle Tunnel began in February 1853, with the tunnel opened to foot traffic in March 1856 and to horse traffic in April 1857.

Iar acesta este tunelul de intrare dinspre est catre Castelul Buda, proiectat si contstruit de catre Adam Clark (1811-1866), angajat de catre guvernul maghiar in 1850. Lucrarile au demarat in 1853, cu deschiderea pentru traficul pedestrian in martie 1856 si celui de cai/carute in Aprilie 1857.

Buda Castle Tunnel (eastern entrance)

Trully, amazing work, isn't it?

O treaba minunata, nu-i asa?

Here is my contribution to the @photocontests: a picture with #architecturalphotography!

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