Get down on the apple

Rich in fiber, vitamin C, minerals, etc., the apple is by no means the most preferred fruit by dieticians. In addition to its nutritional value, apple also serves the diet. It contains only 45-60 calories per 100 grams.
Whether it is yellow, green or red, it has an important cleaning function. For this reason, it is often introduced into diets of weakness.

Especially her skin contains two important values: 'Pectin', which helps to regulate salts, sugars and fats, as well as cellulose, which helps to cleanse the body and digest food.

If you want to remove weight (about a kilogram) for a short time, without giving up many things, try the 'apple diet', which lasts three days and is great for cleaning the body.

How it works?

All you have to do is eat only apples for three days (approximately 3 kilograms of apple a day). Not only raw apples, but also prepared apples and natural juices (without adding anything).

Proper dietary hydration is essential. Only drinking water, but also any herbal tea, is allowed. Coffee, however, can be consumed with care and rarely to avoid digestive problems.

A common day

Breakfast: A herbal tea and two yellow apples (giving more energy to face the day).

Afternoon: A beautiful red apple (ideal for regaining energy).

Lunch: 3 apples (one red, one yellow and one green) and one herbal tea

Afternoon: A glass of natural apple juice

Dinner: 3 scrambled apples (the variety of apples is the most suitable for use).


During the diet, giving up drastically from proteins and carbohydrates, the digestion may also occur.

For these reasons, as soon as the diet is completed, it is necessary to avoid eating fat or fat foods until the stomach returns to 100% of its function. Before starting your diet, it is best to consult a trusted physician.

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