Self Help

This time I'm going to talk about these guys who give seminars. Now I used to work for a company whose Human Resources was big on hiring people to come and give us seminars. These were very well paid people, from all over Central America, who were flied in, stayed at the best hotel in town and were given carte blanche as to what they ate, and were usually paid about $10,000 for a week of seminars, I don't know if were you live that's a lot of money, but in Honduras I can assure you it is. I never liked these guys, I thought of them as conmen, I mean I used to put in about 10 hours of overtime every week and never got paid for it, and here came these guys and made in aweek what I would make in 10 months by just talking crap which was by then all over the internet.

I remember once we had this guy who came in from El Salvador and his seminar was about team work, so after talking the same crap for about an hour he said ok I want you to divide yourselves into 8 groups of 8 each, and I will give a problem with several solutions, I want each group to send a representative to the middle table and they have to agree on a certain answer, then they go back to their groups and write their answer on a piece of paper and each member signs it. But he also said, remember the most important thing in the business world is winning, so keep that in mind.

So the first question came and our representative came back and said ok we agreed on this anwser, but it wasn't the best answer so I told him fuck the others, we vote for the best answer, so we did, and when the answers were read we got about 10 times more points than the others, the second question was the same except one of the other groups also answered differently, but apparently they got scared because after that we were the only ones whose answers were different from what was agreed on.

When the exercise finished (there are always some type of exercise in these crappy seminars) we won by about a thousand points, so the seminar guy said ok, you won but how do you feel about it. So I answered him I feel fucking great we just beat the crap out of all of these gullible assholes, and boy did he get mad, especially when I told him, you specifically said the important thing is winning, so he said yes but this is about team work. He didn't talk to me again, but you see he himself said that the idea of giving seminars came to him while he was unemployed in his hometown in El Salvador and he was on the beach reading one of these "self help"books and he saw the light- I can make a living giving seminars.

See it didn't matter if the seminars were bull shit the important thing was that he could make money. This also happens all over the real world and you can see it in action on Steemit, many people write anything they think the whales will find agreeable and make money for them even if it is crap. Like anarchist theories, or libertarian theories, example: they will tell you that we are moving away from what our founding fathers wanted (this is the libertarians) well, the founding fathers were slave holders, didn't believe women should vote, and in fact only free men who held a certain amount of property should have anything to do with voting. So going back to the Steemit thing, these guys write these articles painting a world on the verge of apocalypse and they are the ones with the great ideas to save it, and yet tese same guys buy into the Alex Jones crap, Alex Jones who has admitted he is only an actor.

Then we come to the main Stream Media, if they come out with something that you don't like they are pathetic liars and should be closed, and will be once anarchists take over, but I find it funny that when the MSM bashes Maduro in Venezuela everyone believes it, I mean if these fuckers are liars why do you belive anything they say. Or could it be that you have become so malleable that you will believe anything that goes with your ideas and trash everything that goes against them?

I'll tell you something, and this is very true you can't be always right, for example I don't live in Venezuela how should I know in what situation Venezuelans really are, now if I went there I could have a better idea.

Picture Source: Pixabay

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