Trip with Boschlers! #Trip1 - Day 1: Nagarhole national park

A weekend in the month of September 2014, I was serving my notice period after resigning at Robert Bosch company, Bangalore, India, when me and my teammates set a up a sudden plan to go for a road trip to this wildlife-rich and peaceful green place - Nagarhole national park.

  • We left in the early morning in our first Zoom Car beast - TAVERA.

  • The light drizzles of the morning made a refreshing start to our day. And we stopped at the beautiful scenic beauty, to click a few funny pics:

*The wild flower : Lantana camara, also known as big-sage (Malaysia), wild-sage, red-sage, white-sage (Caribbean) and tickberry (South Africa) lantana were common to the roadside on our way. My friend here likes to pose with them on his ear and hair adding to his beauty :-D

  • Once we left the city limits of Mysore, we enter the forest ranges and the roads look so warm and welcoming to fill our minds with peace and soothe our eyes.

  • We spotted herds of deers always being alert of the passers by, being swift enough to bolt away at the click of the camera.

  • Grey langurs were having a relaxing day.
  • But this one picture we captured, I found very funny with thee deer sticking out its tongue playfully, reminding me of the tongue out emoji :-P .
  • We were lucky enough to capture the glimpse of a kingfisher bird, which was very sensitive to the sounds and our movements. So, we parked our vehicle to a side and came out to click this beauty

  • There is this unique horned deer which caught our attention.

To be continued...............

There are many more interesting wildlife pictures as well as adventures of this trip, which I would love to post. Do comment and upvote, if liked you this post.

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