Pelicans at Sea - Animal photography Monday

These cool birds was hanging out next to the highway as we were chilling our way down from San Francisco to Los Angeles, just enjoying the evening breeze and chugging down a fish or two, or so I like to think at least. We were nearing our end of our journey across the northern part of the US and I must say that highway 1 is, besides the insane gas prices because competition is non-existant, an absolute incredible way to say goodbye to the often endless straight roads that scars this land.

We threw some imaginary high-fives at the pelicans and wished them forever good wind in the wings and as many fish as they could eat in their huuuuuge beak bag thing.. and then we were off again. To anyone else who aren't an US citizen living on the west coast, I can only recommend visit one day, it's absolutely fantastic! Besides pelicans we saw elephant seals, whales and a myriad of smaller animals, enjoyed the fantastic view over the pacific ocean and enjoyed some overly excited surfers doing crazy things in the waves crashing in.

Isn't this just life..? just chilling after a day of feeding in the last rays of the sun

Peace out from Copenhagen, take care of each other and be happy!

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