Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary, Malaysia


ISO 200 | 18mm | f/3.5 | 1/125

The primary cause that these people work towards, is relocating elephants that are in danger from development. Cities are booming and popping up all over Malaysia, and in the past 10 years, they have relocated more than 800 elephants. The ones that remain here have been injured, or wouldn't survive very well on their own. One of these beautiful behemoths had their food caught in a trap.

Admission is free, only donate what you want, and you get to play in the river with them, feed them, and watch live shows. For 3 ringgit, (about 75 cents USD) you can purchase peanuts, bananas, or sugar cane sticks to feed them, which is arguably the most fun activity. Seeing how much control they have over their massive snouts is amazing. I always thought they just kind of flopped around, but no; they have precise fine motor skills when it comes to that snout and can snipe a peanut out of the air. It truly impressed me.

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