A crocodile was captured

Hi friends steemit. Today A crocodile was captured.
Buaya yang ditangkap di Aceh Timur bobotnya 600kg.
Pihak kepolisian sudah melakukan pengukuran terhadap buaya yang ditangkap warga di wilayah Aceh Timur. Buaya betina ini memiliki berat 600 kg dan panjang 4,8 meter.
Hingga pagi ini buaya tersebut belum dievakuasi. Petugas masih berada dilokasi melakukan penanganan.dia memastikan buaya ini dalam keadaan sehat. Kami juga melakukan edukasi kepada masyarakat agar tetap menjaga kesehatan buaya ini.
In English
Hi friends steemit. Today A crocodile was captured.
Crocodiles captured in East Aceh weigh 600kg.
The police have made measurements on crocodiles that were caught by residents in East Aceh. This female crocodile weighs 600 kg and a length of 4.8 meters.
Until this morning the crocodile has not been evacuated. Officers are still on site to handle. He makes sure the crocodile is in good health. We also educate the public to maintain the health of this crocodile.

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