The Drug War: The Silent War

The war on drugs is much more dangerous than the war on terrorism. More people have died in the gang related violence, vice, and overdoses from drugs than have died from the war on terror.

What is the War On Drugs?
The war on drugs is the prohibition of drugs, and of enforcement of laws against drugs. I believe it is also the WAR FOR DRUGS, and not against them.
Who is involved?
There are three main components to this massive, and holistic issue termed The Drug War.

  1. The Consumers. This is a war fueled by the consumer, or "tax payer" like all others.
  2. The Distributors. Distributors are responsible for getting the drugs to the consumer. They may be honest individuals, or criminal gangs, or even shops, stores, medical professionals.
  3. The Law Enforcers. They regulate the market, and determine how the drug market will operate.

How Drug Dealing Works.
Here is how the drug market works from the American perspective top down. Narcotics are mainly grown in Asia, especially Afghanistan(Thanks Uncle Sam), Cocaine is manufactured in South America, and some in central America. Most American cannabis is grown in America, but run by Mexican cartels. For Cannabis, the cartels only have to move product from a state where it is legal to grow to a state that it is illegal to grow. There is not an accessible market to criminal syndicates where drugs are legal.

The cartels smuggle the drugs into America along with people. Once they have product in the country they distribute to the next man down. The international cartels go to cities like Chicago, and use local gangs, and cells to distribute product. The gangs supply the smaller time dealers, and they in turn supply the user. All along the way your heroin, and cocaine are being cut with impurities, your gangs are running around like homicidal maniacs, and beautiful young girls are forced into prostitution.

Challenging the status quo.
Currently, the status quo of the drug market is violence, and fear, and death. I would link most crime to drugs in some way or another. However, all this crime, murder, and prostitution can be very simply stopped. I will tell you how.
Do not fund violent gangs. It is that simple. The government will NEVER legalize drugs, because that will end their police state, and eliminate a massive distraction for the masses.
DO NOT buy drugs from a violent system. Every single person thinks, My bag of coke didn't kill anybody. The problem is, it did. Even if your very honest best friend is selling you drugs, your money moves up the chain, and the cash that was once in your hand, is now being given to a cartel member to perform a hit on a rival gangmember.
Force the drug market to become nonviolent. GROW YOUR OWN!
If drugs were legalized, you would see a total collapse of criminal syndicates. If the public was manufacturing, distributing, and consuming their own: better, cheaper, and safer drugs, why would you need to go through your shady dealer?
Please consider this. To give you an idea of just how big this problem is, the estimated value of the drug market in America is upwards of $50 billion. 100% of this money goes to criminals.
Fight the Government, Fight The Criminals, Stand for Peace, and Liberty.

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