Vaccines, Weed and TV Licence


One of best friends is a statist or agnostic ;)

How can I be best friends with a statist, you might ask?
There is a big difference between a rabid ape, that is unable to learn, therefore evolve into a respectful person, and someone, who never had time to notice something outside of the cage they were born into.

My friend, although still trapped in the cult, that conditioned her into mental enslavement, is a very compassionate being. She always impressed me with her amazing respect for life. She is a vegan vet. Unlike most of her vet colleagues, she is not a hypocrite, who saves animal lives, and then murders a few species to eat them a few times per day; sometimes on a lunch break, between saving their lives :D

I always found Eva to be a very competent person, to discuss subjects regarding medicine and pharmacology, since she is a trained doctor.

I soon found out however, that as always, when it comes to one's indoctrinated beliefs, "trained" was the problem.

Whenever I mentioned GMO's, vaccines or natural cures to cancer and other "magic" proven by science, she always thought the studies were fake and I could not possibly know something, that millions of professionals (taught to repeat indoctrinated propaganda), would not have known already. After all, I am not a scientist, but l do have access to all human knowledge at a click. The only issue is filtering the truth out of nonsense. And I like to think I know a bit about that.

Back then my knowledge on the subject was not good enough to convince a doctor. And besides, you can never successfully question someones beliefs, if they do not question them themselves. I've lost enough friends simply by questioning what they believed in their entire life. If someone invested their entire life in learning what they know, they feel under attack when you ask them if they are sure, even when it is based on hard evidence. You become an arrogant ignorant in their eyes, plus just a crazy conspiracy theorist in most cases.

Back then, I preferred to not raffle any feathers, if you know what I mean. I didn't know enough to have a very strong opinion. But I learned... and learned... a lot :D

Today I do not care if I will be hated or even crucified, for channeling the truth that defends itself. I'm just a humble critical thinker, that strives to attune ever more to the line of truth, melting away the entropy of my interpretation every day. I just want to be better every day, than I was the day before. What others think of me, is not my business, really.

What is important to me, is that I know I never hurt anyone, and I help when I can.

Anyone can do their own research. The evidence is very clear that vaccines do much more damage than help. Feel free to question your knowledge and follow this rabbit hole in your own time. If you will not, please try not to blame the ones who have.

What concerns me more, is the right of each individual to choose for themselves. If someone wishes to take some mercury and aluminium with some slow viruses, that are clearly linked to chronic diseases, like cancer or autism, to name just a couple out of many, please feel free to do so. I do have a problem if you do this to a defenseless newborn, but there is not much I can do about it, other than talking you out of it, hence this post.

If you consider anyone who is not vaccinated, to be a threat to you, wasn't the vaccine you took supposed to protect you? If we have eradicated completely some of the illnesses, why do we still need these vaccines exactly?

Just a few questions and there are many. When the student wakes up, the teacher is near.

I know I am the only controller of my life, my time and my health.
If I am forced to put things in my own body, that I refuse to put in it, it is not freedom, but Orwellian novel. And population control is the agenda here. Not my well-being.

People cannot see anything beyond the narrative they were born into. Just like a fish does not know anything beyond the fishbowl.

Recently Eva posted a flower pot with her cat inside, saying "my new plant". And me being in trouble for growing a plant in the middle of nowhere (another story baking in the oven), I joked:

Tried smoking it? Careful! The government isn't sleeping ;)

Eva: I won't smoke my tree, you weirdo!! But I have to say, that I had to declare that I don't have a TV! And received a letter saying that if I was found to watch TV or anything in the computer (without paying for it ) would have consequences!!.... But, really I don't concentrate so much in these things... The more you pay attention to something the more it becomes present!! I don't feel in anyway repressed or anything like that !!!!

And here is where we disagree. I cannot understand, when people use this excuse of ignorance, as the solution to make evil disappear. I do not see how not thinking about reality, or millions murdered, will prevent the murders. Seems like a classic "New Age" trap, but Eva is far from being a New Ager. She is the animal doctor.

My reply followed and this is how this subject died (as usual):

Stop paying for wars and find out then if you feel oppressed. Try to decide what you want your money to contribute to and you will go in the cage. If you refuse, you will be killed. Ignorance killed 300 million people in last 100 years by their "representatives". The fact you are not interested in it, "this" is very interested in you. To the point you will be controlled if you watch TV or have a plant. Orwell's world is already here. We are only waiting for another planned crush of economy, hunger and another "great leader" who will slaughter half of humans to "set them free". It's here. Better be aware than surprised.

I thought the seed of truth has been planted, and my comment was extensive enough to let go. I thought she probably cares that her friends on FaceBook don't wonder what kind of crazy person she got herself mixed up with.
There are so many things I would like to tell her, but out of respect for Eva, I censored myself again. No point loosing another friend. Especially the one I respect and care about so much.

Here is what I would like to add, and I hope that she will read this post.

The very fact that you received a threat letter, that you will be under surveillance from now on, only because you did not pay for what you do not wish to use, is a form of terror.

The very fact that your "representatives" want to punish you, because you do not subscribe to their propaganda indoctrination system, trying to scare you into it, should be alarming to you. Your ignoring it, is not natural. It has been taught to you. The programming of hypnosis, people call "entertainment" is one of the greatest tools of brainwashing people the ruling class have and they know how important it is.


The other mechanism is the education system, that kills critical thinking and creativity, teaching most of things that are the exact opposite of truth. You will be rewarded with straight A, get a good degree and a good job, if you will be the best at repeating what you were told to think. Based on following this programm, they will give you value according to your place in a collective ant farm, you will call freedom. There are many more deceptions and mechanisms carefully planned for thousands of years. They have learned on their own mistakes. No they farm us in a free-range style, so it is very hard to notice. It is done on purpose. We are being manipulated and controlled on every step. If you still do not believe, name one thing you can do without your masters permission.

All of this is paid by your property extorted from you with a threat of violence and death. If you refuse to pay your taxes you will get a fine to pay even more. If you refuse to pay this fine, sooner or later there will be someone knocking at your door, just as when you do not wish to pay for propaganda tool, called TV. If you will try to shut your door, they will come into your home, try to restrain your movements. If you will try to escape you will be shot and possibly killed.

Why not choose the ideas to donate to? Why not choose services that serve us? Why being forced by the only people who have the right to use legal violence is better to the voluntary participation?

If no one has the right to use violence against anyone, how can you give a right no one has to give to someone else?

Could it be we have been conditioned to hallucinate it is possible, by the violent, sociopathic minority of people who claim to have this magic right? Who are these uberhumans? They can only be created through belief. The sooner we understand this, the sooner we will have a first, peaceful, real civilization.

Why we cannot decide about our own lives?

statism (1).jpg

Wake up Eva. There is so much to discover. I am still waiting for you on the other side of the matrix.

Still me:
I will control your life, threaten you death if you do not obey. I will extort your property from you, to pay for protecting you from hypothetical people, who might want to control your life, extort your property and threaten you death if you do not obey.

Anyone is welcome to use this text apart from the members of the most evil cult in history of human kind.

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property. I am an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I am an individual, who does not recognize your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.



If you'd like to see who I am, check out my off-grid farm at @lostambores.
Love ya!


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