Peaceful People Deserve To Die


Today, in one of many "debates" I am having in Anarchist groups, I found out that I should be either shot by a firing squad, gassed in a gas chamber or burnt at the stake.

I am being very generous when I call it a "debate", because each of these emotional tantrums does not even resemble a coherent argument necessary for an actual debate.

The way it usually starts, is by the other side projecting their assumptions with nothing to back it up, like:

They (AnCaps/Voluntaryists) call themselves anarchists because they want to be cool, they want to give some kind of cool meaning to their otherwise dull lives.
Most of them are crypto-alt right anyway, so w/e really.
Capitalists aren't people.

To find out more about this presupposition, I present my argument and ask to be convinced that I am wrong:

I am an individual. I want every interaction to be voluntary. I want to create stuff for myself and others. I want to be rewarded according to how my time is useful to others. My life is mine. I own myself. What I create is extension of me. My time is... and so on... just statements of how I would like to live my life as an individual and pure logic to anyone with more than a chicken brain.

How can anyone who is telling me, that the way I want to live my life is evil, impose their authority and still call themselves an anarchists?
As if imposing your authority on what "not imposing your authority", is not imposing your authority, but an-archy? Seems like being a delusional ruler and not an anarchist by definition to anyone able to logic.


And I am pretty sure I and all the entrepreneur AnCaps, do more in a year than any of the spoiled, entitled idiots, who think they should be in charge of my life, because they know my life better than I do.

My only request was, if you can address the argument I present, with anything other than stating your imaginary assumtions, and answer at least one question I ask. By all means please do so and change my mind, but until then you will not present a debatable level and will be considered a troll.
Their standard excuse is always "you are not tolerant and you don't care about the suffering of your fellow humans".

Well, I still find your assumptions to be delusional and based on lack of knowledge, if you cannot argue your position. Your statements are an intent to impose your authority on interpretation of facts and you are proving it by admitting you have no convincing argument. Instead you are saying I am dumb if I do not get something you cannot argue in any way.
I present my view, my argument, back it up with statistics, economy, biology and what have you... While you have nothing.


If you did not grow up to know what a debate is, maybe you should not tell others how they should live their lives?

Since you are unable to address the argument I presented, because this would make you contradict yourself and you refuse to recognize your cognitive dissonance, let's go with this line of argument that I am being an evil capitalist... Which isn't an argument but just imposing your statement on me... since there is nothing else you could find to assume...


What is your definition of evil?
My definition is "forcing others to do something against their will, if they do not harm anyone".

Is taking by force what is not yours in the category of "your evil"?
Is the excuse "I need to take by force from others, in case someone might want to offer me bad working conditions" your argument?

What is it then?

Is declaring all people who want a voluntary society evil, similar to identity politics of for example Hitler? You declared that because I have a different opinion I am not as good as you.

If I am evil, I imagine, you have the moral duty to stop my evil doing, right?
What do you suggest? A gas chamber or firing squad? Burning at stake so the mob could see where the difference of opinions could lead to?

And here, dear Ladies and Gentlemen (and anyone who pretends to be something else), we the essence of what AnCom really is. One simple answer I received from this "peaceful person" sums it all up:


And this is where the civil conversation ends. This is where my level of tolerance has to protest to immoral ideologies.
If you are a violent rabid ape and you have nothing to convince me I should be one too, how will your sociopathic sect take over the world, if you cannot muster a single argument?

Do you think that someone who proudly advocates slaughter of peaceful people should be barred from an anarchist groups and separated from peaceful people, before he hurts someone?

Instead threatening death to anyone who does not recognize your authority on what anarchy is, I think you need a psychiatrist ASAP.

Why do you think you are an anarchist in the first place? Because all of the nonsense that is in YOUR head you projected on the peaceful people?


If you are an AnCom, it is scary how dumb you are.
A retard terrorist teaching anarchy with 0 argument, is a nasty form of cancer and should not be tolerated.
There is a big difference when you are genuinely confused and need some answers, guidance and want to learn.

If you tell me you want to murder me and my friends and family for being useful and peaceful, never hurting anyone, you are the problem, not me.
Calling me evil, while it is you who initiates deadly force to impose your rule is not being an anarchist, but a fucktarded sociopath; a truly mentally ill, dangerous, delusional person

If this is this "obvious" superiority to AnCap, I puke on your high moral horse, not to mention you are far from earning my respect.

It would help your argument if you could be civilized enough to have a conversation instead of stating your emotional tantrums. You are still not convincing. I guess the only option you have left is to impose your rule through violent aggression and threat of death.

The only good thing about your comments is another "great" PR for your sect.

Dummies who think that if I create something with a part of my life and decide to invest it, keep it or exchange it with someone who needs my skills, is the same as slaughtering people, do not deserve any respect, time, nor to be included in freedom of association.


If you want to kill me for being peaceful, there is no word bad enough to call you.

You are Hitler or Stalin or worst, because you are arrogant enough to think, that you know the ideology better and if it was you in their place, you would know how to use your power, to make everyone the way you want them to be.

You are actually emotionally retarded.

You have no argument convincing anyone to your idea of being a violent pig. The only other option is to impose your authority, while ridiculing people who don't want to impose their authority... and you preach about your imposed authority on not imposing the authority... You are an oxymoron with emphasis on the MORON.

I really don't care what other evil spoiled bitch nonsense you have to communicate if you cannot even communicate properly. No one with 2 brain-cells more than a chicken does.

Dear AnComs, when I engage in asking for your thoughts, I give you a chance to be at least coherent, but you prove to be even useless at any logic. You are just a total dumb-ass and a waste of time.


Unfortunately, you have been disqualified as anarchists, as with each comment you prove to be sociopaths, ill-wishing on others, including death of peaceful people, who do not want to be coerced or have a different opinion.

Still me

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property. I am an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I am an individual, who does not recognize your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.


If you are interested in off-grid living, homesteading, medicinal plants and alternative lifestyle, check out my other blogs @lostambores and @smokeymcpot




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