Imposing Your Will On Others Is Dumb


If you are a Voluntaryist, you must have laughed at the silly „MUH ROADS” tantrum many times. There are enough memes out there to spend a whole day just browsing through them.

What about the bad people? What will “be done” about bad people in a voluntary society?

Nothing! Nothing will be magically done for you without your suggestion.

Things just don't appear magically, just as "free education"is not free.

It is your responsibility to make things happen. If you want to see a change, there is no other way, but to be this change first, on an individual level, and then multiplied by same values of other individuals, the paradigm comes into being.

If most individuals believe in a government, this hallucination creates the sects of governments.


There are bad people out there. I'm well aware of it. I just think it would be wise, not to give them total control of everybody's lives, because as history teaches us, you end up with deaths of 300 million people just in last 100 years.

Today millions of people are caged for victim-less "crimes", which is just disobeying the threats of these worst rapists we allow to take the power they want. Delusional Stockholm Syndrome victims call them “representatives” or politicians.

If these people are really representing your values, than I will do everything to avoid you, because you are this rapist, you are so scared of.


I believe sociopaths should not decide about my life.

In a voluntary society issues are resolved through consensus of people affected by an issue. You join a community or you start a community with people who share your values and you agree on rules voluntarily.

Some people may see hiring security companies that are rated 5 stars, based on customer experience as necessary for their safety. Some small, remote villages, may be completely happy with their community of 100 people supporting each other and feeling completely self-sufficient.
Some would need local arbitrary services to help resolving conflicts in regards to voluntary contracts.

Whatever it is, I see a voluntary society working through a consensus, instead of gang-rape, we call “democracy”.

The solutions depend on how you would like to deal with an issue. Some people may decide, a rapist is a mentally ill person, and would like to take care of him, some communities would expel this person, some communities would separate him from healthy people, so he does not harm anyone. Some would just disassociate from them completely, so they would have only few options left: change the behaviour and submit to whatever just compensation would be established. For example it could be 10 years of giving half of his labour to the victim, which would be guaranteed by the security agency of the victim.

They might have an option to become completely self-sufficient, but with others refusing to sell him anything, he would not even have shoes to chase after rats when hungry... he could move out of the community... or starve...

These are just examples of solutions, as opposed to threats imposed by sociopathic retards calling them “laws”.

Voluntary community is voluntary, therefore asking me to impose the rules you would like to see, is wrong from the beginning.

I recommend this playlist:

And anything from this library:

If you find this interesting, follow this rabbit hole. Internet is full of solutions.

Thanks for stopping by :)

Still me:

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property.
I am an individual. I want to create stuff for myself and others. I want to be rewarded according to how my time is useful to others. My life is mine. I own myself. What I create is extension of me. My time is my currency. I can exchange it or keep it. It is my capital. I do not believe in imposed authority.
Labels that fit to my individual choices make me an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I AM AN INDIVIDUAL, who does not judge your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.

This is what I want. It is the best for me. I don't care what the collective wants me to do. I choose to interact if I wish. I am the owner of me.
I do not want to harm others in ANY way.
Please do not impose your rule on me.
Tread on me or others and I will will feel morally obligated to stop you.


If you are interested in off-grid living, homesteading, medicinal plants and alternative lifestyle, check out my other blogs @lostambores and @smokeymcpot





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