Anarchapulco, and changed plans 😄

Just to start: we're still heading for Anarchapulco. BUT...
There hasn't been a time in my life where my plans didn't change. There's even been a time, quite a long one actually, when I just stopped making plans altogether for the simple reason that my plans had to be changed so often, or worked out completely different from what I wanted to see, that I just gave up on it altogether and just went with the flow of things. You'd say I am expecting it. But no, I really believe that my plans will work out when I make them. Just maybe in the back of my mind I have this little voice that says otherwise...And yes, it's happening this time again. But not in a bad way. I don't think it ever is. Everything happens for a reason.


The car dilemma

Well, I can try to explain it in short or bore you with the longer version. The main reason why I didn't buy a car yet is finances. I just couldn't justify spending a couple of thousand on a car. I would have had to jump through major hoops, sell lots of my crypto, and be broke by the end of it, to get this done. So I decided not to.

For a moment I even thought of selling my Anarchapulco ticket (with LOTS of pain in my heart) and just go to the launch party, but I just couldn't. I had made up my mind that I was going, so I am going!!!

My eldest even told me to go on my own. But the idea didn't sit right with me.
Not that I don't trust her and her bf to mind the kiddos. Not at all. But just imagine something were to happen - I mean, a fall is easy to make - then I'd be miles away and no way to get back quickly.
Since I already had the teen ticket for my second eldest, and the other two their kids' tickets, I decided to bring the kids, and leave the eldest and her boyfriend here.
I hate having to do that, because I would have loved to have them there. But I didn't buy them the Anarchapulco tickets (because they're so damn expensive!!), and they really didn't mind some time to themselves without arguing kids around.

Doing something I've never done before - Power down

Well, this is not 100% the truth. I've powered down a little before but never on Hive. I never wanted to and always said I wouldn't, but this time I have to. Once the tickets and accommodation is paid for, I won't have any money left for anything else, and we're going to have to eat.
I am going to make things right and put it all back once things are said and done, hoping not to anger the Hive gods...

Then yesterday, I realized I needed either: a loan, or sell some of my crypto that I really don't want to sell at these prices... So I went looking for Neoxian bank loans, only to discover that he quit the bank dealings! OH NOOOO!!!
Now, luckily, there's a new option, but the max to borrow there is USD 250, and that's less than half of what I need. I'm getting paid next week, and will be fine then but that's no good now haha.
Anyway, I will sell some of my small coins and tokens that haven't been doing much for months, and that will hopefully be enough for the accommodation until Wednesday. After that it should all be smooth sailings.
Anarchapulco better be worth it!

The reason for being 'behind' on everything

Well, first of all, the MEGA extortion costs I've had to pay to get our animals here... and we didn't even get all of them here yet!
The initial price quoted was 1850 Euro, which is not a small amount, but reasonable for the move of 4 animals all the way across the world. Without stress.
In reality, I ended up paying nearly 5k, with A LOT of stress. More than we should have had. Now, I am working on that, because I filed a complaint and asking the initial 1850 as a refund, because we had to go through so much shit to get them here, the man at the shipping company lied and cheated his way through the whole thing, so I think they owe us. Whether I'll get it is another thing of course.

That money was reserved to pay our first 6 months of rent here. The rent would have been cheaper then. So yeah, a snowball effect due to the unprofessional 'service' provided by that company.

Then, last but not least, only about a month after we came here, we ended up adopting a little street dog. Or he adopted us. We were waiting in line to go ice skating (yup, you've heard that right: ice skating in Playa del Carmen) when this dog walked by everyone who'd give him attention. We were among the few who did.
My daughter had me run to the store to get food and water for the poor soul, but he didn't eat. He really just wanted a cuddle.
Anyway, we never made it to the first of the line for skating. Instead we walked a little street dog home with us. Kobe is his name, and he knows and is very thankful, that we rescued him... But Kobe wasn't the best picture of health.
The first treatments he received was from a local animal shelter, and this was provided for free. However, we needed to get him neutered. And because he was in such bad shape, things went wrong. I stopped counting, but I'm guessing that so far, the little critter has already cost me around 600 Euro in vet bills...
This would have been twice that in Ireland.

May I introduce...Kobe! This photo was on the day he found us.


And this one was taken today, he's still on the skinny side, but already much better than how he was.

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Yes, Mexico can be cheap, but right now, I am not spending any less than I would in Ireland. It's all about finding a balance, which is not easy to find in such a short time. But I know we'll get there. Eventually. We always do...

I'm leaving you here my dear friends. In only a few days, I may just be reporting (live?) from Anarchapulco, in Acapulco!!! YEEEEHAAAA!!!!
Love you all!!!

If you don't know what Anarchapulco is, check it out HERE

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