China's Amazing Park

A shuttle place in China, Nowhere are the Waitland Day bodies, becoming the center of the world, to migrate to the world of ninety-five natives, migrating the birds of the world. According to Chenna Radio International, Nintendo Waitland Park is attaining the world's attention every day. This beautiful and sunny place is located in the middle of the river Pearl in the southern part of Guangzhou. Nintendo Park is the largest in this area, where birds from all over the world come to live by migrating. That's why Nin Sha Park is also known as the paradise of birds. Nintendo Beach Park is divided into two parts. The first part covers the 2.28 square kilometer area and the second part is 4.02 square kilometers. The first stage focuses on the production of bird protection, acne study, scientific education and mangrovo trees, while in the second phase the ecosystem increases in the park as well as academic tourism, anterior tentment, business meetings and more. . Here you can enjoy the enjoyment of Mango trees, canals of canals, birds sitting in bars, and hotel boats. In addition to this, you can enjoy and repeat your pic by caring on a shaded road, sea view and forestry routes by battery car, by cycle or by walking. There are approximately 300 types of plants in the Nintendo Beachland, 11 of which are the real mangrovo trees and 4 partial mangrovo trees. In addition, more than 175 types of birds are found here.

大吃一驚的中國任天堂任天堂肖濕地日益成為世人矚目的世界候鳥中心現貨來到蘇格蘭沙重量。據中國國際廣播電台任天堂肖濕地公園一天天正在獲得全世界的關注。這個美麗的地方是位於目瞪口呆的痛苦,廣州珠江南部部分的中間。任天堂蕭公園是在該地區,其中候鳥來住整個世界上最大的。天堂鳥稱為任天堂蕭公園。任天堂肖濕地公園分為兩部分。第一部分包括的2.28平方公里和4.02平方公里,第二部分的面積。第一階段包括鳥類保護,研究生態系統,科學的教育和myngruu專注於生產的樹木,而第二階段aykulujykl在公園的生態系統的發展,企業家,娛樂,商務會議和更多旅遊。在這裡,您可以享受myngruu樹木,坐在蓮花,燕窩和酒店式遊船。此外陰影柏油路,通過海景和叢林般的路線電瓶車,騎自行車或步行,你可以享受你的散步和提升。任天堂蕭公園重約300種植物,包括樹木和4部分11真正myngruu myngruu樹。有超過175種鳥類在這裡找到。

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