Dr. Newport: Coconut oil helps fight Alzheimer's disease


Coconut oil against Alzheimer's disease

It has been found that in countries where coconut or coconut oil is consumed in large quantities, people suffer from Alzheimer's disease far less frequently than in our latitudes. Coconut oil against Alzheimer's disease? In order to understand the efficacy of coconut oil against diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease, it is necessary to know first of all what causes these diseases. The most common form of dementia, also called Alzheimer's dementia in medical terminology, should serve as an example.

Alzheimer's dementia is also referred to as neurodegenerative dementia. The clinical picture results from a disturbance of the balance of messenger substances in the human brain. In particular, the concentration of the messenger substance glutamate in particular has changed considerably, so that more and more nerve cells in the brain die off as a result of this imbalance. This usually affects regions that are very important for memory and orientation. The consequences are known: Initially, the affected person will lose his or her long-term memory, after all, he or she will no longer be able to remember recent events and will not even recognize people with whom he or she has lived together for years or even decades.

Dr. Newport's History

Particularly noteworthy is the theoretical approach to the fight against Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Newport's theory suggests that coconut oil is used in the fight against Alzheimer's disease.

What happens in your brain when you take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil twice a day for 60 days? The effects are incredible. Dr. Mary Newport from www.coconutketones.com has introduced a theory with many advantages! She used coconut oil to treat Alzheimer's...

Dr. Newport has a personal history of Alzheimer's. Her husband Steve, who had been suffering from Alzheimer's disease for several years, was only in his mid-50s. Dr. Mary Newport says,"He was often foggy for several days in a row". He couldn't find a spoon or remember how to get water from the fridge. One day, she asked him if there was a particular call you were expecting, and he said no. But the call came on that very day. Two days later she was contacted again and asked why she didn't respond to the first call!

Conventional treatments

If your husband was treated with conventional medication, this led to severe depression and the disease worsened. This is unfortunately a common side effect of the drugs prescribed for Alzheimer's disease.

When the disease took over, he finally forgot almost everything. He spent most of his time in the garage and in the yard to devote himself to his hobbies. After some time he lost interest in his favourite hobbies due to the side effects of the medication. Dr. Newport found hope in alternative treatment.

Dr. Newport's theory

Dr. Newport discovered that coconut oil is a medium-chain trigyceride compound containing a large amount of ketone bodies (there is an English study here). The use of coconut oil not only reduces the symptoms of the disease, it can also be prevented from the outset. Dr. Newport explains:"Ketone bodies can help to regenerate the brain faster after a loss of oxygen. The ketone bodies can also help the heart to recover more quickly after a heart attack and they can even shrink cancerous tumours. This discovery is absolutely incredible and can work wonders in the fight against Alzheimer's disease.

The coconut oil treatment

Dr. Newport's discovery of coconut oil. Coconut oil has a high content of ketone bodies. She started giving her husband a tablespoon of coconut oil every day. After a short time, small successes were achieved. She increased the dose to 2 tablespoons, twice a day. After 60 days, her husband was happier than in a long time. He was much more alert and talkative! Before the coconut oil treatment, Steve had started to tremble. This tremor was practically gone. One year after the beginning of her husband's treatment, he was a completely different person. He recognized old family members whom he hadn't seen for a long time, took an active part in conversations and his facial expressions were much more animated.

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