I could spend 24 hours a day on HIve and LIstNerds


This morning I woke up at about 5:15. I got out of bed and was down on my laptop by 5:30. Only 15 minutes earlier than normal but I got all my emails for the last 24 hours on ListNerds read.

1024 days strait on Hive, and I am discovering I could do this 24 hours a day. Thanks to ListNerds I am discovering so much fantastic content that I just want, more than ever, to do this full time. It is great to have such a fantastic goal. Will I ever get there? I have not idea. But I am going to strive for it.

Only covering three posts today.

Week 21 - Reflections and Forward-Looking Commitments For My Hive Goals | 2022 SATURDAY SAVERS CLUB by @justclickindiva . I love reading about others people goals. It motivates me about mine.

Financial growth - Know what motivates you by @tokenizedsociety and you guess it found this one on ListNerds. Now following also.

MASSIVE: Kissinger Just Shocked The World! by @lukewearechange . You gotta follow some whales. They are where they are on Hive for a reason. And they give fantastic content.

A couple days ago I shared a post on ListNerds because I needed to use one of my daily eamils. I sent one from my @hive-112281 BBH account. I loved one of the comments I got from @rcaine "When do you find time to play Splinterlands? You truly are amazing."

LOL. All about using time you have to the best of your ability.


Am I possibly headed for 4th? hummmm

Below is a part of a post I also did yesterday from my BBH account.

"Okay. Mr. Positivity is 100 percent back. And i am going to jump right into my DHF proposal.


For the Janeway Children's Hospital.


It is up to a fantastic 139 thousand HP in support but it needs to get over 32 million.

Reblog, write about it, Tag some people. Let's rock Hive and show the real world how we can give back. I know if all of Hive new this proposal would be rocking it."

Up early and running out of time.


List Nerds

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Have a super positive day everyone.


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