After 1007 days Hive still amazes me every single day! You to?


I am going to try and cover a lot of ground here. I will get to my title shortly.


Here is the link the DHF proposal site. You need to scroll down to you find ME! And click on support. You can click on the proposal once there to read my blog post about it.

Yesterday I wrote a blog post No ask no get! Are you afraid to ask for help? where I challenged two people to promote the proposal and for them to challenge two other people. I am happy to report that @generikat and @beststart both said they will. And I know they will. I cannot wait to read their posts and see who they challenge. I want to thank them with everything I am and all the people who upvoted the proposal so far.

List Nerds

What can I say besides, fracking awesome sauce. I am holding onto my 5th place in the rich list as I continue my daily unstaking of some of my nerds. Building while unstaking. Awesome stuff people.


My downline continues to build their downline. It is so fantastic to see.

If you are not a member of ListNerds yet and I got you wondering. Here is some more fuel. Read the White Paper.

What amazes me still about Hive is the people, the communities. It blows my mind everyday the type of content, the type of people, how diverse. It is true web 3.0 and its finest.

That leads me to four posts I am going to highlight today.

Change - For Better or Worse - Just One Thing by @russellstockley.

"One of the biggest challenges people have to making change is the trepidation of moving out of a comfort zone.

Making a change in ones actions, life, behaviour and direction can only come about through having self reflected on the current context and content.

Regardless of what stage a person may be, there is always room for change."

Comfort zone. If you can manage to go back to my first ever post on Hive, my first ever video on 3Speak. You will see how I got out of my comfort zone and how, I hope, it can be an example of how you can also. Thanks for the post Russell.

Everyone has something to write about by @beststart continues the theme.

"I realized that the path to success was just not building an affiliate business but that I needed to begin creating content."

That is a bold and eye opening statement. And very very true. I love seeing how far you have come in such a short time on Hive my friend :)

Focused On Growing My Stake in 3 Tokens by @lisamgentile1961. Such an amazing person. Read her weekly posts to see how it is done :)

I think I am niche-less by @b0s continues the theme. I am following him now.

"I joined hive December 2020, but there's a major reason I didn't create my first post until April 2021. The reason was I didn't think I had anything worth writing about. After joining I read some great posts and watched some videos and I wasn't sure I had what it takes. I eventually made my intro post after so much hesitation. From there I didn't know what to write about. "What next?" I thought to myself. I managed to string together one or two half hearted posts before deciding I'd give up."

This is how it is done people. You need to push yourself to show up every single day, and to create content every single day.

Like I said, 1007 days ago, my posts might have been 10 words. I take time and hard work. There are many many examples of people who do it. And how it does WORK.

List Nerds

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Have a super positive day everyone.



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