My goals for 2024, the first report…


The goals…

I had to force myself to write this report, you know, rather lazy than tired...
But well, even if no one reads this report except, yes, you 😉, it will still be useful for historical value... for myself.
So, how is everything evolving compared to the goals I set last week:


So far, so good!
Ok, we've only just started the year, of course, but if I maintain this pace, it should be fine. We're only 12 days in, and I'm already over halfway to the monthly goal for HP, and perfectly on schedule for HBD. If the interest for the latter is paid out at the end of the month, I will also end up above the goal there...

But what does the overall picture look like...

The portfolio…


At first glance, this looks good. Ending above a 10% return despite the declining Hive prices is not bad... at first glance. One thing is, of course, explained by regularly buying additional Hives and thus lowering my average purchase price... But honestly, 2024 will be a crucial year for me, and it's about time that the downward trend turns into a stable or even rising trend...

I'm also not really impressed by the results of the second layer tokens. In my previous post, I already wrote that I would change some things here, and the first tokens to disappear are COM and HUSTLER (the latter is not even included in the overview). The results of these are downright negative, and the story around them is, to say the least, unreliable...

Still, in general, I continue to believe in the Hive story... at least for this year 😉 And not least because it's fun to play with all those tokens...
As mentioned, we'll see what the year brings!

Thanks for reading and see you all (maybe 😏) next week!



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