Live in My Heart My Queen


Day after day passed ...
a week, a month and now exactly a year the light goes away and makes everything change.

I was a very lucky man because I had an angel in my life. a woman who always adorns my days, a woman who gives me strength when I do not know what to do. She is the second woman I love very much after my mother.

My name is Farhan, I am a 7th semester student in one of the universities in Makassar, and the woman I really love is named Vira. She is also a 5th grader. My best friend and lover, that is Vira for me ...

The busyness and the far house made us spend less time together. It was only during the weekend that we could spend our time in the sun on the western horizon.

Our communication keeps running even though we rarely meet. Every night I always call vira, I always want to know the state of my anger. For days we passed and so on. Although there are winds that try to wiggle but our love is stronger to stay firmly standing ..

The day after tomorrow is March 13th, it is our 4th anniversary. As usual we always spent all day to remember the moment. I will surprise this my angel. I'll take her dinner in a very romantic place away from the crowds and orchids that adorn it. Why orchids? yes because Vira is very fond of orchids rather than roses that are symbols of love.

I also intend to put a ring on her ring finger, even though we do not intend to marry now but this is a sign of my seriousness in living our relationship and I'm sure vira will be a good mother for my children someday.

The day arrived,
I picked up the vira at her house at seven o'clock. And when I got to his house how stunned I was when I saw the vira,
She was so beautiful and elegant in a black dress that night. I was like seeing a real angel standing in front of me.

Once arrived at the destination I immediately put the ring on the ring finger vira, and right then my hands hit by splashing water, it turns out vira cried with the surprise I gave him tonight. and instantly the vira immediately hugged me and said I LOVE YOU on my left ear.

Do not know why I feel strange when the vira said the word, as if I do not want the word to be lost from my hearing. but that worry I did not show him because I did not want to ruin our show tonight. Arriving at 23.30 I drove the vira back to his house, but did not know why I did not want to let go of the vira and wanted to keep looking at it. But the vira just smiled and said "tomorrow we meet again dear" the word calmed me slightly and I slowly took my hands off her and then kissed her forehead before I went home.

The next day as usual I always send a good morning greeting via a short message to vira and vira always reply to my morning greeting. do not know why this morning vira did not return my morning greeting. I tried to call but there was no answer. I intend to approach him at his residence this afternoon. And when I got to his house how surprised I was because the vira house is very crowded visited by people.

I quickly set my foot step into the house, and what I saw was a vira, my angel was asleep with a white cloth covering his pretty face with a thin smile adorning it.

Yes ... the vira is gone. Vira has left me for ever. Both vira parents told me about what happened. Vira had long leukemia and at 3 AM Vira felt the pain he could no longer hold and he was rushed to the hospital and breathed his last breath ..

During this vira forbade his parents to tell it to anyone including me. he does not want our relationship interspersed with sadness and fear. Mrs. Vira gave her a letter 3 weeks before she left me

do not Cry honey
wipe your tears
I do not want you to let me down with sadness
when you read this letter I may be dead
but remember I will always live in your heart
sorry I can not stay with you any longer
but you need to know you will always be my angel
I love you more than the pain I am facing
take me off with the most beautiful smile from you
continue your life and be the best
I leave my father and mother yes
keep and care for them
do not break the bond between you and my family
hopefully we can meet in the most beautiful place later


Yes ... the vira has gone
gone for good
and now exactly 1 year of his departure
but I promise I'll never forget my anger

Every Friday afternoon and every month during our anniversary I always drove to his grave while dangling a prayer for him and do not forget I brought a series of orchids.

I also stay in good relationship with both parents. I will keep my promise to him to keep both his parents.

Vira my heart's angel is gone, but Vira will always reside in my heart. I will continue my life and will soon finish my lecture. I will make a proud vira of nature there.

vira my angel
Live in my deepest heart
Hopefully we can unite in the most beautiful place someday.

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