The Coldest Love

Boston, September 20th
The applause greeted warmly as the girl looked down on the podium. She straightened again as she waved her hand. The girl smiled. After being content to greet thousands of people, he gracefully stepped off the podium to his office.

"Unbelievable my darling. Again you always make me touched. Do not forget your last concert in Seattle, I hope you can make the audience really amaze while watching you. Good job! "
The girl just smiled received a compliment from Max, the manager who was busy again taking care of the dancer. Then, he walked back to the back of the podium to change clothes.

Within a short time, the girl came out of her room with a very casual suit from a Isabella Hannah. Her slender body was only wrapped in a short sleeve shirt, trousers, sneakers and hair left unraveled. Now he appears simple but charming.

After a few steps walk, a paper fly freely and then fell right in front of Hannah's feet. He picked up the paper with a smile.

Meet me outside when you're ready.

  • D

Hannah dumped the paper in the trash can and then stepped out of the building.

The night wind is so stinging the skin when the building's door is opened. Hannah closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath and exhaled as she stepped out. His eyes kept sweeping for someone in the paper.

Hannah continued to walk in the darkness of the street. The dim light made Hannah have to squint. He walked over to the guardrail that connected directly to the vast expanse of the sea. The sound of the waves was so clear that Hannah's heart became more and more calm.
He closed his eyes once more. Let the wind hit her body. Even the long hair of the decay had drifted freely in the air by the wind. This is where Hannah releases the saturation after the concert.

"Dylan?" She called again.
Hannah walked down the sidewalk and held on to the roadblock until her eyes caught a tall figure with a black jacket wrapped around her body facing the sea.
"Dylan?" Hannah called once more to make the owner name a look.
"Hannah. How long have you been? "Dylan walked over. The smile on his lips he sunggingkan wide.
Hannah clucked her waist. "I've called you several times, more exactly three times."
Dylan laughed. "All right, I'm sorry. So, do you want to accompany me to dinner at an Italian restaurant? "
Just then Hannah's eyes lit up. Yes, the girl is very fond of all kinds of Italian food. Maybe even he could spend five Ravioli dishes.
"How?" Dylan asked in a seductive tone.
Without warning, Hannah pulled Dylan's arm quickly. "What are you waiting for? Come on! "

Dylan looked at Hannah's face with a soft gaze. Actually tonight Dylan plans to pour his heart out to Hannah, a friend when they are still stepping on children. But unfortunately, the brown-eyed girl seemed to think of Dylan as a sister, no more. This is what often frustrate Dylan's plan to pour out his heart to the girl.

"Hannah." Dylan called softly. Hannah rolled her eyes at a handsome man with hazel eyes who were staring at her gently. Indeed, every encounter with this man before him, his heart continued to praise his good looks.
As their eyes met, Dylan felt his heartbeat loud enough. He even worries that Hannah can hear it. She looked back at the girl in front of him. That eye. The eyes that always make Dylan's heart calm. Cheerful eyes. Eyes that always give the warmth that has long disappeared.
The eyes that Dylan always missed from the figure of the woman he loved so much. The figure who has now left him alone is living. Mother.

The girl cleared her throat as she leaned her head in her hands. Dylan was not sure. She kept thinking of the worst that she would get from her. The look she gave him always distracted him.
Moments later, Dylan starts to open his mouth again. "I know it's funny, but whatever it is, please do not laugh at me."
Hannah frowned. "OK. What do you want to say? "
"Are you interested in someone?"
Hannah frowned, making Dylan nervous herself. His worst pictures began to rage in his head. He mispronounced the sentence. I was so nervous, he just sent a sentence that was not weighty.
"I do not know, what about you?" Hannah replied simply. "Are you interested in someone?"
Dylan shrugged his shoulders. "I do not know, but I think so."

Hannah put on a happy expression as the waiter brought their order. Without much talent, Hannah devoured the still-warm Ravioli on her plate. And Dylan just stared at his food with a feeling of hope that the girl asked him more about his feelings.

"So who are the lucky people who can interest you? Is she a woman or a man? "Hannah put on an amused smile that immediately gained a fierce glance from Dylan.
"Did you just judge me h * mo indirectly?"
Hannah laughed. "Of course not. Do not think bad about me. "
Dylan laughed sadly. Until now Hannah still does not realize that she is the lucky girl. Dylan thought again. Looks like this way will not work. She had to invent a new way that might make Hannah aware of Dylan's feelings, before it was too late.

"Are you done, Dylan?" Hannah asked as she packed her belongings back into the bag.
Dylan nodded. "Do you want to go home now?"
"Yes, it looks like I'm very tired. Are you all right if we do not go home now? "
"Of course not. Come on. "Dylan gives his arm to be circled by Hannah. They also walked out of an Italian restaurant like lovers walking under the sky-twinkling sky.

The elegant black car stops sweetly in a five-star apartment now occupied by Hannah. The girl was getting ready to go down, but her pace stopped as she touched the car door.

"Tomorrow afternoon, are you busy?" Dylan asks Hannah to turn.
The girl was stationary, remembering whether she would be empty tomorrow afternoon. It seems possible. Hannah opened her mouth. "Actually I have a schedule with Max, but it's okay, we can use the afternoon time while I'll practice early in the morning."
Dylan smiled happily in his heart. Tonight he will also think of the next step to get the heart of a Isabella Hannah, before the time is up. Dylan smiled sweetly showing her dimples as she excused herself and got out of her car.

Hannah threw herself down on the mattress. He is still complete wearing his casual clothes. In fact he has not removed his sneaker. The girl closed her eyes and raised her hand to touch her chest. He tried to feel his heartbeat in a matter of minutes.

Hannah opened her eyes. He turned his gaze to some piles of paper and a large envelope lay sad on the table. He snorted. She grabbed the paper with rough and unconscious Hannah shed a tear. The tightness in the chest reappears whenever he reads the contents of the paper. Hannah always felt, that seeing the contents of the paper is a nightmare.

Hannah opened her eyes. He turned his gaze to some piles of paper and a large envelope lay sad on the table. He snorted. She grabbed the paper with rough and unconscious Hannah shed a tear. The tightness in the chest reappears whenever he reads the contents of the paper. Hannah always felt, that seeing the contents of the paper is a nightmare.

She threw the paper while Hannah took off her sneakers and drowned herself under the covers. He can not keep letting himself drift in sadness.

At the same time, Dylan was staring at the ceiling of his room. Almost in every blink of his eyes, only Hannah's shadow he saw. Not infrequently the man smiled to himself. Not infrequently also he awakened himself to the fact that Hannah no special sense to him. However, Dylan still tried to smile.

"Let me be the last person you see, Hannah."
Dylan closes his eyes.

Early in the morning Hannah had gone down a fog-covered path. He tied the coat that wrapped it when he was at the door. Slowly he knocked on the door.

"Ah, Hannah. Come in. "
Hannah smiled at the middle-aged man behind the door. He took off his coat and hung it behind the door. Then he trailed the middle-aged man toward the fireplace.

"It's a drink." The middle-aged man gave Hannah a cup of warm tea. Then he sat down on the couch watching Hannah.
"Did I bother you, Dr. Steve? "
"Of course not. You've been regarded as my own son. "

Hannah who heard it smiled. He had been to his house for a long time. Steve to check his condition. Dr. Steve was so nice to him. Sometimes Hannah felt sorry for Dr. Middle-aged Steve lives alone in a house of this size.

"Doctor, about my condition ..." Hannah paused. Dr. Steve who witnessed it was sad too. She is well aware of Hannah's feelings after these weeks she has learned about her condition.
"I'm sorry Hannah. I've tried my best. "
Hannah smiled. "Thank you, Doctor. At least I can enjoy my last concert in Seattle, and I hope you can come and see me for the last time. "
Dr. Steve smiled. But deep down inside, he saves sadness. The cheerful girl will be gone from her life. Dr. Steve loved Hannah the way his son had left him ten years ago. And now Hannah must leave her too.

"Okay then, I have to go. Dylan might have been waiting for me to have fun. "Hannah got up and finished her clothes.
Dr. Steve got up. "He's a good man."
Hannah smiled. "Of course."
The girl wore back her coat, then she said good-bye to go home and meet Dylan. The handsome he could not have.

From the other side, Dylan had parked his car in front of the apartment. The man looked through his eyelashes toward the deserted apartment door. He was coming too early. Somehow, but his desire to visit the apartment of his beloved girl was too strong, until he decided to leave early in the morning.
The atmosphere was very quiet at the time. It was almost bored on his head if he had not turned on the tape.
Instantly then the soft song and music sounded making Dylan's heart slightly better.

I got a heart
And I got a soul
Believe me I will use them both
We made a start
Be it a false one, I know
Baby, I do not want to feel alone

Dylan's fingers began to move gently to the tone on song 18 of One Direction. He plays it imaginatively as he plays on piano keys. This song, which every night becomes a testimony to his longing and love for the girl. Because the mouth can not reveal what he is immersed, the song will represent that taste to him.

So kiss me where I lay down
My hands pressed to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

The song continues to chant until it reaches the reff that really expresses his heart. Dylan closed his eyes. Imagine if he could reveal what he was buried at Hannah. Truly extraordinary. That girl is amazing. He can silence all the feelings of a Christopher Dylan who is highly respected and admired by many parties.

I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing
To be loved and to be in love
All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you
I want to love you like you make me feel
When we were 18

Dylan opened his eyes and right then he caught a pair of eyes that had been haunting him with a million shadows.
Hannah. The girl is really Hannah.
Dylan's mind slapped him to return to the real world. Dylan touched his head. Looks like he just saw his mother's figure behind the windscreen. Dylan hastily opens the door and meets her confused girl.

"Hannah? I thought you were- "said Dylan cut off.
"Yes, Max just let me meet you sooner. So, what's up? Did I see you were shocked to see me? "Hannah asked as soon as Dylan opened the door for her.
Dylan paused but his eyes tried to find a gap where he could avoid this question. All he has to do now is focus on what he has planned since the night.
"No. I'm fine. Forget it."
Dylan touched the porsneling and brought his car to leave a few questions in Hannah's mind.

Moments later, Dylan parked his car in front of the theater. Hannah just raised her eyebrows as soon as Dylan brought her inside.
Why would Dylan take me here? Hannah thought.

They sit on the front bench. On the podium is neatly arranged a grand piano. At that moment the building was full of hundreds of people. Hannah is anxious to ask the man next to her, but it seems that she is busy with someone behind her cell phone.

"Hannah, I have to meet my friend outside. It's okay if I died for a while? "Dylan asked as he stood holding his phone that seemed to still be connected.
Hannah nodded with a smile. Dylan smiled and left her.

The girl looked straight ahead. Will there be a drama show? Or a concert? That kind of question continued to settle in Hannah's mind until the podium light was dark. Hannah turned to the right and left. A moment later the podium lights back bright but slightly dim. Just bring up colorful lights that give a romantic impression.
As his eyes looked toward the piano, he was startled. Dylan was sitting nicely behind the piano in a neat shirt and looking authoritative. Just then the audience or rather the teenage girls screamed hysterically as Dylan spoke in front of the microphone. And right then, Hannah's heart burned with jealousy even though she would not admit it.

Good morning. Previously I am very grateful to all of you and of course my dear friend, John, who has prepared this all. Really this kind of thing never once terbesit in my mind before. Until I met someone very meaningful in my life. I hope the song I'm bringing will be able to represent what I've been waiting for for the past few years. And this song is for you, Isabella Hannah. "

Hannah rounded her eyes. His body was suddenly tense in place. His eyes continued to stare at Dylan. Her heartbeat sounded very loud, even she was afraid the people around her could hear it.

Dylan closed his eyes and let his fingers play softly on the piano keys. The melody mellowed gently to make anyone who heard it come to witness the love story between Dylan and Hannah.

Down to earth
Keep 'em falling when I know it hurts
Going faster than a million miles an hour
Trying to catch my breath some way somehow

Festive applause immediately greeted the melodious voice of Dylan. Even hysterical screams were heard. Hannah is still statue and unmoved from its place.

Down to earth
It's like I'm frozen but the world still turns
Stuck inmotion but the wheels keep spinning 'round
Moving in reverse with no way out

And now I'm one step closer to being
Two steps far from you
And everybody wants you
Everybody wants you

Hannah took a deep breath as Dylan began to step on the reff. Again, Dylan stunned him.

How many nights does it take to count the stars?
That's the time it would take to fix my heart
Oh baby I was there for you
All I ever wanted was the truth

How many nights have you wished someone would stay?
Lie awake only hoping they're okay
I never counted all of mine
If I tried, I know it would feel like infinity
Infinity, infinity, yeah infinity

Dylan continued on to the last note. The tone that he chanted makes everyone float up somewhere. Dylan stood up as the applause sounded. In fact almost everyone in the theater gave a standing applause, except Hannah. He was still in his chair. He did not think that the handsome he could not have held the same taste for him.

Everyone was sitting back and the atmosphere was quiet again. Dylan reattached the microphone. He smiled and looked gently at Hannah. Unable to Dylan deny that his heart is equally pounding. But this he did only Hannah teruntuk.

"Isabella Hannah. Maybe I'm not as handsome and persistent as Romeo. Maybe I'm not as smart and as bright as Edison. Or maybe even I fail to be what you want. But believe me, no one can beat my feelings for you. And do not ask me why I can fall in love with you. Because I do not know and do not want to know. All I want to know is that I love you. Can this be your reason for survival? "

Tears of tears began to flood the room and all that. Dylan waits for Hannah's answer from the top of the podium. In fact almost all pairs of eyes ask for answers on Hannah. But what Hannah did made everyone including Dylan did not expect. Hannah got up from her chair and looked deep into Dylan's eyes.

"All I had to say is goodbye
We're better off this way
We're better off this way "
(Secondhand Serenade - Goodbye)

All eyes stared at Hannah. Likewise Dylan. How can a man as handsome as Dylan, Hannah tepis?

Hannah herself was sobbing deep inside her heart. Really, if his life was not like this, he might have run to the podium and hugged him tightly.

"Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breath
Why do you do this to me? "
(Secondhand Serenade - Why)

Dylan almost sank limp witnessed thousands of people in front of him. John grieved from behind the podium. Buddy who has been following Dylan's struggle for Hannah.

"I'm breaking free from these memories
Gotta let it go, just let it go
I've said goodbye
Set it all on fire
Gotta let it go, just let it go "
(Avril Lavigne - Let Me Go)

Hannah stared into Dylan's eyes for the last time. Then he walked away and almost touched the theater door if Dylan did not call him.

"Well, I will not give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up "
(Jason Mraz - I Will not Give Up)

Dylan smiled even though deep down he was vulnerable. She did not want Hannah to touch the building door and get out of her life. Dylan kept shouting for Hannah to stay in his life for only a moment. However, Hannah still insisted to open the door. As his feet were about to step outside, he turned to face Dylan.

"You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can not live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say
But goodbye "
(Air Supply - Goodbye)

Hannah threw her best smile at Dylan. Then the building door was closed.

Seattle, December 31st
Hannah bowed when her last singing concert was over. He felt emotion when he saw his last concert run successfully. The audience was no less excited by throwing flowers toward the podium. Once again, Hannah stared at the background of the audience. There he could see his parents, his friends, even Dr. Steve was present.

But Hannah's smile did not last long.

It had been the last few months since the incident at the theater, he had never seen Dylan again. Not because Dylan dodged it. But because Hannah suddenly disappeared like swallowed the earth. He even replaced the phone with a new one so Dylan could not reach him.

Likewise, he closes information about himself from his family and friends. Hannah was determined to erase her feelings for Dylan. Let the man remain a handsome Si he could not have.


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